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I feel quite Germanic right now, perhaps due to the many pints of Weissbier I consumed last night. Whatever the reason, today I want to buy an E23, roll down the window and pump this all the way up to 11...

You had me from the word brown.
NP all day, I think i’m in love.

I really want to say NP.
Cool car, great provenance, decent condition, and still looks pretty damn good!
If money were no object, i’d gladly add this thing to the garage.
But it ain’t, so it has to be CP.

Sir, there are not enough stars in this galaxy to commend your words.

A well deserved COTD my friend.

Nail on the head my friend.
I’ve always had a soft spot for these too, and the white/red/black combo still looks great.
Shame it’s $6k too expensive.

I really like these things, and it appears to be in great shape.
But it ain’t worth anything like $13.5k with that mileage.
Sad to say it but...

AAAAHHH memories!
A friend had an AX GT back in the late 90's, I loved that thing but he always said he would never sell it. He ended up rolling the fucker in a ditch somewhere in the middle of England and scrapping it :(
Shame, they’re as rare as hen’s teeth these days, less than 100 left in the UK and they fetch

Turbo, 5 speed manual, $3k!

Corvair engined 911?

You made my point more eloquently than I could.
+1 Good Sir!

I like it.
It conjures all of the right images for me.
From the classic European ‘Grand Tour’ to the GT cars the guys will be blasting around the world in.
It’s a little more grown up than many were expecting, but that doesn’t make it “meh” and certainly won’t affect the content of the show.

I really dislike the paint, and the “titanium” interior...

Sweet Jesus, Máté!

Take my money!
Almost makes me wish I was 16 again, I would have DD’d the crap out of this back then.

Man, that engine bay has me all kinds of excited.
Enthusiastic NP from me.

Well, I’m English and we don’t give a toss about Baseball, so the provenance means nothing to me.
I do love the car, but $26k seems too rich for my blood.

Surely you mean 33,000 Pesos?

Return of the Giant Hogweed!
Gotta keep up the Genesis theme.

Oh, alright then!
Where do I sign?