
Yeah, that darny darn Japanese driver, winning the the Indy 500 on Memorial Day. Shame on him for coming from a country who has been our ally for over 70 years. How dare he signify the peace between Japan and America that our soldiers and sailors fought to regain?

I can’t speak to the U.K., but there are approximately 3.5 million Muslims living here in the United States. If the problem was Muslims, just Muslims in general, we would have been well and truly fucked years ago.

Go back to Breitbart with the other racist snowflakes. Then kindly go fuck yourself.

Imagine what a dumb, worthless piece of shit you’d have to be to tweet something like this at a time like this.

This is fucking stupid.

Used Lotus Evora.

If only we could find a car we knew his son would think is cool, that’s also fast and has a reliable toyota engine. How will we ever dream up such a car.

Buy it. Livery it. Hoon it.

Thanks for reporting this.

Postings like this are probably why it is good I don’t have F you money. I’d have a garage full of Subaru Brats, odd gigantic barge wagons from the 70's, a 90's Roadmaster Estate with a big block swap for no reason, obscure Mazdas, a Nissan Figaro, and probably a diesel Mitsu Delica star wagon for good measure. Jay

You caught me. I didn’t actually have one. My grandfather warned me not to get one. He said they were too full of electrical Kremlins.

I had one of these. It was the worst car ever. It just kept Stalin.

Now playing

Let this mustachioed dad teach you the wonders of the drag Maxima

Based on what everyone else drives, she must be the highest paid person at Jalopnik if she can buy a 20k car.

What’s wrong with you?

Good news!

This is the sound of me crying.