
Yeah, I remember the moment when it dawned on me that the real story of Lot was that he offered up his two young daughters to be raped by a frenzied mob and that this was why God decided he alone was moral enough to save. Then his wife looked back as the only home shed ever known was destroyed in fire and brimstone

And now she DOES have a pony! Success!

Can I just say that the Arya/The Hound adventure-revenge-buddy comedy is everything I hoped it would be and more?

It has to do with black and white thinking which sometimes is learned and other times part of a mental illness such as a personality disorder. In black and white thinking something is either good or bad but it can't be both, there is no grey. So someone like Lindsay can't see her actions or herself as bad even some of

That's my thought, essentially. I mean, yeah, the joke wasn't the most subtle piece of satire, and obviously ended up being a bit on the insensitive and inflammatory side, but did we forget the elephant in the room, here? Are we going to pretend that the giant glaring racist team name against a people who can

You've probably made one of the only comments on this pretty shitty and gaslighting article that hits the correct point — the joke doesn't work. The joke itself was offensive. They should apologize for the joke. Let's move on.

To me this woman sounds like a VERY bitter divorcee whose husband fooled around with a lot of younger women.

I would say the executions were not at all similar.


Here's the thing, what colbert is pointing out (quite effectively due the outrage) is that as a general culture Americans don't get offended by certain racism or slurs over others even though they are JUST as offensive. People passively allow a team to be called the redskins. I mean HONESTLY-can you imagine a team

What really keeps pissing me off is all the people who know exactly why someone else finds it funny. Some people probably do find it funny for the "wrong" reasons, but the idea that everyone does or that anyone knows how many people are laughing at it for which reason is stupid.

I think the reason why shit like this pisses a lot of people off is the knowledge that deep down, some part of each person laughing at this is laughing at the "ching chong chinaman" stereotype rather than the idiot white guys that are the butt of the satire.

Honestly most of of the time I was insulted by their lack of effort.

Erin, I forever love you for this line in your article.

Here are two things I'm pretty sure I know to be true:

My husband left a job being a GM of a shitty little Massachusetts-based "family restaurant" to take a $15k pay cut because he was tired of having to work from 6am-1am 4 days a week. (and "only" 12 hour shifts 2-3 other days a week.) He started looking for a new job the day after my mom's surprise 50th birthday party,

Be his muse. His hopes and dreams come first. Your hopes and dreams have been realized because you are someone's muse.

I am a man, and I'm very insulted by this list.

It's from a Wall Street website and it's target audience is insecure overgrown man boy ex frat member date rapey douchebags. The author - who apparently is one of those - thinks every other man is as big of an asshole as he is.

Now, even in the narrow world of finance,

The stock photo; explain