that was my friend's exact words at that scene. a pony AND Needle!
that was my friend's exact words at that scene. a pony AND Needle!
holy fuck! 25 seconds after posting. you are lying about having a job.
I'm not a parent, but I gave my dad shingles when he was in his 30s after I had the pox when I was like 2 or 3. Almost killed him. Seriously, the scariest thing ever.
i don't think she was saying that it was a valid comparison, just that you can't compare a national corporation to a small business, because the costs of employing enough people to compete with said corporations often prices them out of the market, but that ownership is still better than being a mid-level manager with…
this this this this!! It's a privilege to be able to speak truth to power the way Colbert does, so when people without that privilege say, "hey! what you said there, that's not okay!", listen, learn, and move forward. It really does illustrate the power of the white male in media though, because unlike what happened…
true, there are people who don't realize that Stephen Colbert is a character being played by a man named Stephen Colbert. (they also are not going to "see the error of their ways" by a rather inflammatory hashtag, which automatically divides and sets up a "with us" or "against us" rhetoric that isn't conducive to…
i don't want to give the page clicks but I also want so badly to look at the train wreck....
Yeah, I don't understand how telling someone to lose weight OR learn respect is somehow better. What, would the alleged rude behavior be condoned if the woman was hot?
In all fairness the US did do a lot of terrible experiments on people, e.g., infecting people in Guatemala with Syphillis to see what happened if you left them untreated,…
Here's more…
Satan's Anus?
yeah, the Democratic machine controls Chicago. (side note: Just b/c I agree with some Democratic platforms doesn't mean I agree with my city being a corrupt joke of a democracy and I doubt I'm the only one).
I'm so glad it has gotten such a positive response. I love his work so much, and I feel like he doesn't get near the credit he should. :)
This kind of stuff reminds me of one my favorite poems by Pablo Neruda. Ah writing as art.
ugh reading this waste of a time article (honestly, i didn't finish b/c boring) was worse than watching the oscars. seriously, jezebel what happened to you? is Chelsea Handler ghostwriting this drivel too?
she's Lady MacBeth, pure and simple. Love her, but let's be real people. Feminist Warrior she is not.
I see it is California, (Kinja not letting me edit, damn you!).