Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

That’s funny Howard, because I don’t see wealth. So when you complain about the unfairness of a 70% marginal tax rate on the 1%, it doesn’t apply to me so I don’t see anyone being singled out or treated differently.

I am embarrassed to admit that I am disappointed by Ivanka's shitty paid leave plan. During the campaign trail, when CEO Cheeto claimed he would support paid family leave and some sort of credits system to reimburse parents for the cost of daycare, I thought to myself "If he actually does that, maybe his presidency

  • Alleged pro-choice Republican Sen. Susan Collins is doing some impressive mental gymnastics to defend confirming Justice Kavanaugh after he supported a Louisiana law that would have decimated abortion access in Louisiana. [CNN]

“You’re a Block don’t you forget it. You’re a Block, you’re not one of them”

This anecdote is the Trump presidency in a nutshell. We have to do this trip, and we don’t really especially understand why. But we also need attention! Let’s get some attention for ourselves by offensively trolling this whole thing (that we don’t understand.) Trolling is a great way to get attention. The more

Trump’s entry into politics was loudly pretending Obama’s foreign sounding name meant he was a secret Muslim.  He didn’t mind putting Obama’s kids in danger by pretending Obama was a dangerous foreign agent.  (Projection, again) He’s made it more likely millions of kids with a Muslim or Hispanic name are more likely

Just imagine if this kid was a skin color darker than "bleached asshole"

Joshua’s family accepting this invitation proves they have more in common with Trump than a surname.

When your girlfriend’s in Canada, you don’t have to prove you have a girlfriend.

Just wait until Republicans find out that people are also bullied by the color of their skin. Many of whom belong to the very groups Trump is always publicly trashing and saying they don’t deserve to be in the country. 

Basked on my 6th grade experience here’s how this will gob

My mother tells me I look like my grandmother, a brown belle whose features I know only through faded photographs

Kind of a Hapsburg/Osmond hybrid to me.  (Those teeth will haunt me in my dreams tonight.)

*taking notes*

I disagree 100%. Not only do we need to strike, we need a *general* strike. Everyone shuts down the American economy and sits on the side of the road until we get some fucking equality here -- wage equality, racial equality, gender equality, all of it.


Goddamn you are a moron.

Agreed. I am constantly baffled by the fact that people who would likely see the bulk of the negative effects of privatization seem totally oblivious to that fact.

This is a bad take. Government functions tend to exist because the private sector will not pick them up. Sometimes the government will jumpstart an industry to make it profitable enough for private industry to get involved, but other things—like experimental science, for example—do not exist to make money. And others,