Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

We actually talked about it at supper, tonight. Basically, she’s disappointed that every time the movement picks up steam, there’s a contingent that is more willing to take a position of grievance against their fellow sisters than they are to build a greater strength through unity, even if it means sacrificing a

There is so much to be optimistic for right now. And this March kickstarted so much of that. Those who don’t think marches and protests do anything are short-sighted. It takes a defining moment in every generation. I hate how far we had to go to realize Rome is burning. But I’m so hopeful that we’re not going down

Shit, I’m doing OK but others think my fucking cursing is getting way the fuck outta control ... so screw them.

I find more and more that I can’t think of where one would even begin to comment on any of this anymore. Many of you know that I’ve been around The Slot for a while now, throwing comments and assorted stuff in semi-regularly. But every single day that I check out the Barf Bag recently, I literally shake my head in

I am going to admit something to you guys. I am worn out. I am a medium level media/policy wonk, and a retired teacher who keeps up with the news. Today, I am completely drained. Day after day, since 2016, we have been subject to the horrors of this Presidency jailing toddlers, breaking alliances that have stood for

The thing the pro lifers dont realize about the whole argument is that pro choices aren’t for killing babies, they’re for agency over self

Now playing

Ben Shaprio never grew out of the annoying time of 18-20 where they claim they know everything when really he is just a typical edge lord boy. Anyways here’s Contrapoints, an excellent Youtuber, discussing why Ben sucks. This is in regards to Ben’s refusal to use pronouns but anytime I think about his Ted Cruz

That is the wurst casing scenario....

Baby Hitler, do do do do do do do

I have a theory about Genesis of the Daleks. The real reason the Doctor couldn’t kill the Daleks is because the Daleks are partly responsible for him deciding to fight evil. When he said at the end of the episode “from the Daleks there must come something good” he was talking about himself. Off topic but wasn’t that

The POTUS job comes with a salary of about $450K.  They wouldn’t be poor any more.

Oh, fuck that. These people are heroes and should be treated as such. I assume No More Deaths has a legal fund we can donate to?

This is even more of a shameless photo-op than it seems. The past 3 NCAA Football champions visited the White House in March (2016), June (2017), and April (2018). Pro teams usually visit even later after their title. This one is within less than a week. I’d imagine the logistics are usually a nightmare for such a

Yeah these aren’t pro athletes with millions of dollars in hand, they do what they’re told so they get enough playing time to be noticed by NFL scouts.

The worst part of all this is that he used them as a cynical propaganda prop in his wall tantrum. “Because the Democrats won’t give me billions of dollars to waste on my monument to bigorty, I have to close the gov’t and make hundreds of thousands of people suffer. Maybe millions! Including these fine American athlete

One of my student workers is also in the university’s ROTC program. For two years, she and the other women in the ROTC planned their big Christmas party (in fact, this party was traditionally thrown by the women of ROTC, I’m not sure why. I’m sure some degree of sexism was involved.) Anywho....It was a real shindig:

Gillibrand made sure Al Franken became immediately obsolete, attempting to highlight the moral superiority of the Dems while the Republiclowns continued to pretend that their boys were beyond reproach, reeking havoc on the courts, supporting repeals of vital protections, bolstering the traitor in the WH. Gillibrand

Ah, Billie Jean, what all the kids are listening to 35 years ago

As consistent as ever, though.

I’m part Tohono O’odham and I married into a Tohono O’odham family. The border has bisected our traditional homelands since 1848, as well as other border tribes-the Lipan Apache, Yoeme (Yaquí), Kickapoo and I believe also the Tuscarora tribes. For the first few decades after the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, most