Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

I could, I suppose, but it would be like a celebrity memoir without the celebrity behind it. Rather than saying, “I’ll never forget the evening in 1953 when Frank Sinatra, Ava Gardner, and I were at the Brown Derby...” it would be more like, “So there I was, completely trashed at a suburban ‘Chinese’ restaurant with a

Trump unethused that he was the center of attention for 9 whole minutes? And he thinks a photo op is pointless? Did I... is this the Twilight Zone?

The real question for me is why has he not yet declared a national emergency? He knows he has painted himself into a corner, because the Democrats are holding fast and the public is blaming Trump and Congressional Republicans for the shutdown much more than Democrats. If he declares a national emergency even though

Yeah, I mean, so long as the AP fact check is going there, let’s go there ourselves:

Just remember that the small minded loudmouths are a drastic minority that likes to talk the loudest so they seem like they are a bigger part of the conversation than they actually are. The majority of sane, rational people are not going to social media after this type of thing because they know it is akin to

And both houses passed a bill where Trump got $1.6B for border security. He was going to sign, until right wing pundits hurt his fee fees.

Every debate we have is hurt by this crap.

What infuriates me more than anything else is while he tries to manufacture a non-existent crisis with his factless, xenophobic diatribe there are dozens of real fucking crises already. Poverty, opioids, education, medicare, infrastructure, climate change, the list goes on and on. And all the while this asshole is

Pretty cool Ad you’ve got there guys.

I didn’t hold a party when I became invisible to men, but I should have.

I may be old fashioned but experience has told me that the best reaction is to go for the eyes with your fingers or anything else to hand.

Sis held him in place and went to work on his jaw. She was not playing.

/reads title

You know that level of pure, unbridled anger when the screaming stops? When that white-hot rage focuses itself so sharply that it could cut through a titanium plate? When the mindless outrage turns into cold, calculating hatred, and your only thoughts are on how you can make it look like an accident? Not saying I'm

a trump voter wouldnt care regardless of who did this. They would only care if the victim is white and christian. 

But he wasn’t an illegal immigrant so we don’t care - Trump voter

Hey, if you’re gonna lie about something, you might as well go big!

That’s a lot of high profile bragging about what is essentially a 20-year-old embellishment that doesn’t really matter at all.