Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

I guess I’d take her a whole lot more seriously if she hadn’t spent most of 2016 trying to get Hillary to answer for what Bill Clinton did. 

What are the chances that this spat hasn’t been meticulously planned by both Conways?

And yet she tries to use the tenants of feminism to make this the fault of feminism....

Nine kids, between the ages of 6 and 15.

Customer choice is great when you’re picking ice cream, not so much when you're picking chemo therapy drugs

I’m going to try to give you a somewhat more thought-out response than your slippery slope argument really deserves. You’re starting from the same flawed “centrist” position that the GOP likes: that capitalism is always good and that “free market solutions” will always produce the best (or at least most efficient)

Wanna hear something fun?! In Alabama, you don’t need to be a lawyer to be a probate judge. I live in the county where this suit was filed and here’s the judge’s background. You’ll notice the distinct lack of anything remotely like legal training:

A similar case made it to the Supreme Court of Canada decades ago. Chantal Daigle was planning to abort her pregnancy caused by her abusive, douchebag boyfriend. He attempted to get an injunction to prevent it claiming rights over the fetus. The court fast-tracked the complaint due to the time-sensitive nature of the

TL;dr Kid’s 19 years old. He didn’t want that kid. What he wants is to make his ex suffer through embarrassment and harassment. “The mother” ugh. She isn’t a fucking mother. 

“I’m here for the men who actually want to have their baby,”

If Ryan Magers wanted this child so badly, he should have offered to have the clump of potential baby cells transferred over to his OWN uterus so he could continue raising it all on his own (as we all know was going to be the case for “THE MOTHER” if she were to go forward with the pregnancy.) Ryan was going to be a

This shit infuriates me. In terms of rhetoric alone, this is the most pandering, simpering, weak-minded bullshit I’ve read this week. “The Mother” bullshit aside, this “Baby Roe” nonsense is pure tripe. Naming the baby while dehumanizing the woman involved is such a naked attempt at emotional manipulation.

I really don’t want to google “6 week embryo” but having had a few 6- 10 week miscarriages, it definitely didn’t look like the slightly cute baby image above the article. It looked like a heavy period. I don’t think pics like this help.

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

Ah yes, the first Bundy standoff: a bunch of snowflakes threatening law enforcement because they wanted to keep grazing their cattle on public lands without paying the proper fees.  It’s amazing how conservatives have managed to spin these criminal socialists into right-wing folk heroes.

So many funs in Idaho. I personally miss Helen Chenowith, a Republican woman ahead of her time. She lambasted Clinton for his sexual escapades (and then admitted to a 6-year adulterous affair with her married boss of the time); she ridiculed the Endangered Specias Act, saying ““It’s the white, Anglo-Saxon male that’s

I can’t see many people faking their identity just in order to slip one more vote in for their candidate of choice.

The problem isn’t needing an ID, but that in very many cases, it’s not easy for some folks to get one for varying reasons. Older folks may not even have a birth certificate or be able to get one. Getting to a place to get an ID could be an issue. Also, it costs money to get an ID, which is essentially a poll tax if ID

Chutzpah. This woman has it. I love her.

I’m sure the boomers looking to see some of the “mulattos in that show about George Washington or whatever” while shopping for $20 umbrellas and eating at the Olive Garden will be mighty impressed by this guerrilla political marketing.