Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Great take. I think you nailed the problem. No individual in Mississippi has just tried to make the state less shitty. That’s all it takes, right? Just one person that says, “I don’t like this. I think we should change.” And just like that, a whole state—that involves three branches of government, special interest

Friendly reminder that nearly half of Mississippi folks, in this century, thought interracial marriage should be illegal. And that was before Trumpism took hold where people started to be more honest when polled about racist feelings.

Several in Virginia. My experience was with the one in prince Edward county where they closed their schools for nearly a decade to fund the all white academy and provide no education at all for Black students.  Most of these places started the same way. It’s why I oppose vouchers and charter schools. Their roots are

When our family moved to rural Virginia 20 years ago, we enrolled our oldest in preschool at the private school that was highly recommended by everyone we met. Our realtors granddaughter was even in his class. It was a segregation academy. We did not know anything about them. It was an ugly place with an ugly history

What (even “liberal”) white people will do to keep children of color out of “their schools”...I mean, they’re very methodical. I went to school in a very wealth, white suburb because they HAD to accept some students from the neighboring poor, majority-POC city (where I lived). I didn’t realize it at the time, but the w

Unfortunately, the longer his body lies there, the greater the chance of his pathogens spreading in an unexposed biosphere. He’s still threatening the lives of every last Sentinelese.

That she keeps saying this shit on camera is a really good example of the flaws inherent in one-party dominated regions (see also: Steve King, not just being continually re-elected but literally not being punched in the face repeatedly on the floor of the House by a bi-partisan queue of legislators for being a massive

In fact, Mississippi was the original architect of voter suppression. In 1890, the white state legislature passed the Mississippi Plan, a set of restrictions designed to stifle the black vote by implementing a poll tax, literacy tests, and other measures, which was billed as a way to maintain integrity at the voting

This is not a hill that I care to die on because I’m from Mississippi and Cindy Hyde-Smith is a complete joke and could very well be a racist (though I cannot confirm). And it is a weird saying that I’ve never heard before (or any variation) and pretty dumb to say. That said, there is absolutely no racial connotation

The funny thing about those tweets is that he’s right, the fake news media is the enemy of the people and everything would be better if the fake news media shut the fuck up.

It’s called stochastic terrorism, and they aren’t going to stop him.

It’s funny how he thought being a republican would ingratiate him to those people.

Here’s the secret everybody’s missing: he was running the early voting station.  He wasn’t a voter.  And as a retired detective he basically let him keep walking right into a full blown crime instead of calling the police right away and merely escorting them away.

I don’t advise judging people by their looks

As with Trump U, along with most of Trump’s other ventures, bankruptcy is part of his business plan. 

The Trump Inc. Podcast is most excellent.

They knew but they didn’t care.  Trump hates all the right people.

I run my own business which I hope (think?) my son, who is 19 now will take over eventually. But I told him, when you get out of college,. work for someone else. Don’t work for your Dad, learn other ways to do business other then how I do it. I think for my business it will help diversify our strategies and build a

You’re leaving out one of the best bits, about Ivanka misrepresenting sales in NYC and Cyrus Vance Jr. refusing to go after her. She should be in jail.

The important thing here is that i am sure all of this fraud and criminality were done w/the utmost care and attention paid to email server management. After all that is all that matters to the public, polity, and press.