Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Fuck off. I was one of the people who lost my job after PP was defunded and had to seek employment in another Midwestern state so I could stay within driving distance of my disabled parents. Maybe take a deep breath and contemplate what it means to be a decent human being before you make attacks on internet strangers.

My exact thought. They don’t give a shit. “Those chicks should have kept their legs shut to begin with.” Women will die, children will be born into poverty & stay there & they don’t give one flying fuck. Nobody should have sex with any politician in IA. Sex-out!

The POTUS telling half the country to go to war with the other, classy. 

Congratulations to all of those “liberals” who just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for HRC. This is what happens when you throw your vote in the trash.

yes, I’m happy with Murkowski right now, but we must remember that she is an actual republican and she wants to drill ANWAR. I do not really want her as president, though she’d be worlds better than what we have now. 

She’s a fucking liar herself. She only said that so she could have cover to pass the tax bill. Notice she hasn’t brought up McConnell’s betrayal either... I don’t know how the hell she was convinced to vote in favor of keeping the ACA, but that was an anomaly, clearly.

He threw a temper tantrum last week and the Republicans watched and said, “Yeah! That’s what we need more of in the highest court of the nation!”

Thanks for getting it white Senator Collins.

Lady, he went with a PREPARED speech on Thursday showing you and the rest of the world he doesn’t have “judicial temperament” during a job interview where he had to explain why as a youth he didn’t have “judicial temperament”. I’m younger than him and even I know I can easily dismiss Ford with some sayings like, “I’m

There it is again. Hiding behind the “presumption of innocence” when that has no bearing on whether a person deserves the honor of being a SC justice. This just confirms that she only departs from her party line if it threatens the sweet, sweet flow of dollars to her state and not anything resembling ideals.

It must be nice and warm up Trump’s butt for the Fox News crowd.

I’ve been thinking about his reception on the bench. This isn’t just about him, but largely about the dignity of the seat, which affects them all.

Again, not to silence these women or prevent them from getting the chance to seek some kind of justice for his attacks, but even if his demeanour wasn’t enough (it should be) the mere fact he perjured himself multiple times should disqualify him.

You can still take action to try to stop this:

I’m just putting this out there: I think Tilda Swinton should play Kushner when HBO makes the miniseries.


Do we remember how the republicans and their news channel questioned how Sonia Sotomayor could not be unbiased on certain topics because she wrote some stuff or was vocal on issues related to hispanics (and she once wrote something like “a wise Latina woman”).

I thought raging alcoholism would stop someone from being a judge, apparentlyit doesn’t matter if you’re white and a republican.

I am talking about stuff that isn’t hush hush and actual requirements to a sober position in the job.

Kavanaugh tried to downplay that truth in an interview on Fox News and during Thursday’s testimony. He said he liked, and likes, beer but that he never got “blackout” drunk; instead, he just “went to sleep” after heavy bouts of drinking.