Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

It’s also a troubling comparison because Kavanaugh isn’t facing a criminal conviction and jail time, he’s gunning for a promotion to the highest court in the country, for life. We’re talking two entirely different evidentiary standards, or at least I would hope we are. If he gets voted down or withdraws, he’s still a

Yep. He’s a lying suck-up who will say anything that his audience wants to hear. He’s morally bankrupt and is unfit for the Supreme Court.

Yeah, they kinda reinforced each other. They saw him being a “businessman” on The Apprentice, then they would turn on Fox News in the morning and think he had the world all figured out because his political opinion was similar to theirs.

Apparently he just plain didn’t understand why they were laughing. He honestly thought they just started laughing when he gave his speech, you know, the “they’re laughing with me”, so when he said that bit about reaction, and they laughed again, he just assumed they’re sort of cheering him on.

I’m old, so I was in those computer user groups (CP/M 4 lyfe!) as a kid. As I recall, they’re apples and oranges compared to these “helpers.” First, we didn’t meet at the computer store; we met at the local college, an open place where we could discuss the good and bad about our brand and talk to people with other

Exactly.  You can give a cow respect and slaughter it with dignity, but at the end of the day it is still made into a hamburger.

Do you live under a rock? Transport shortage has been a well documented problem for many months now a cross all industries. It was caused mostly by the switch to electronic logs of driver hours... Turns out most drivers were fudging and driving more hrs than allowed with fewer breaks. Now that they can’t cheat there

“... in 2016 I was in debt for more than $200,000 from buying Nationals season tickets for friends and other things ... but I paid off enough so I didn’t need to report in 2017 — all because I’m a good Christian. My country club membership costs $92,000 a year, tuition for my 2 daughters runs $20,000 a year, and that

As a former teenage boy myself I could actually buy some of his yearbook bragging as a virgin overcompensating- that actually seems plausible.

I think most of the people against Statehood would be in favor of remaining like it is now but with more autonomy. Some others aspired towards an “associated republic” type of thing. It’s a whole debate. I personally wanted Independence but gave up on that.

I’m not implying that liberals be corrupt. Just that they be smarter. Why does propaganda like the one I linked to exist on the internet without liberals questioning it? The conservatives are like terrorists in that they will be absolutely ruthless to get their way. Decent people keep thinking that they will hijack


Exactly. None of this is really news, except for attributing it to Rosenstein, which is why I think this is a set-up to get rid of Mueller.

The NY Times’ Rosenstein story has no first hand sources (only those who “were told” of his statements from someone who heard them). The exception is Rosenstein himself - denying it.

The Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network, CRC Public Relations and Ed Whelan walked into a bar to brainstorm a P.R. strategy to refute the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh. You won’t believe what happened next ...

OMG. Whelan and his supporting cast of fucking idiots might be stupider than Trump and his sycophant morons

The reason Merrick Garland was cast aside: because fuck you, that’s why.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that what they all want to say, but can’t quite bring themselves to openly admit, is “Brett Kavanaugh is of our tribe, therefore we will defend him against outsiders.” It’s the only defense they need. He’s a conservative, so he’s always right. They don’t want to admit that’s how they