Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Getting worn out, Sarah?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s a good one....very imaginative....

I voted for Bernie in the last primary, I like him and I like his platform. He has absolutely no business running for president again. There's a lot of negative baggage he'd be carrying from the Bros and what turned into a pretty ugly in-fight and oh yeah HE'S TOO FECKIN OLD. Sit back and let someone else have a go.

Trump has been able to survive by convincing his adversaries that, as much damage as he has done, it’s still in their best interests to keep him as a going concern. One way to accomplish this is to move on to the next bigger thing (it’s almost like a pyramid scheme: keeping your previous victims happy by robbing your

Tucker Carlson called Michael Avenatti a “creepy porn lawyer” over and over on the chyron of his show

Yes. That CNN article was from last night. This morning he pleaded guilty to everything (officially two conspiracy counts, but he had to allocute to 38 crimes that were roped into those two)

To be fair, he said it “almost ought to be outlawed.” Which includes two qualifiers that renders the sentiment completely meaningless.

We got A Pluses for our recent hurricane work in Texas and Florida (and did an unappreciated great job in Puerto Rico, even though an inaccessible island with very poor electricity and a totally incompetent Mayor of San Juan). We are ready for the big one that is coming!”

ERIC TRUMP then dismisses WOODWARD book as “sensational nonsense” he wrote “to make 3 extra shekels.

He was sternly warned not to say “rubles”.

Ugh.  All the liquor is half full of water.

Shout out to Dubya for removing their cabinet position and folding them into the DHS in 2003.

I think that Puerto Rico was incredibly successful... I actually think that it was one of the best jobs that has ever been done.”

“ICE is merely the administrative agency. It’s the policies in that agency that is problem.”

Well, then maybe he’ll send Ivanka or Junior over to Ireland to check up on the money laundering operation golf course.

Orange never was a terribly popular color in the Republic of Ireland, anyway.

“She’s probably got some Indian in her.”

This is amusing to me if perhaps no one else because there is literally a type of employee theft that is referred to by people who investigate such things as “salami slices”. That theft is usually when you take a small amount of money from the till every day so the till doesn’t quite balance but you know what your

My U.S. friends and cousins, please, start forming your Gang of Four now for the November elections. No one should go vote alone. Find three other voters and take them with you to the polls, your neighbours and cousins and that old lady in your building who doesn’t get out much. Ensure they don’t get “too busy” or