Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

I love butter emails on freeze peach.

I did it but it’s not a crime. Hillary did it too, why isn’t someone arresting her?

The Midterms, you say...

As many as 45 House Republicans could lose their seats in the upcoming midterm election

I am actually curious as to what Hucks will say today.

Few years ago one of MY co-workers came up to me and told me, upon reading HER end of year evaluation, that instead of seeing HER name on HER evaluation, MY name was there instead. We compared evals and lo and behold our shared supervisor had simply copied and pasted MY evaluation comments (verbatim) onto HER

He sees the AG not as his personal lawyer, but as his TV lawyer. He sees the Justice Department as a group of henchmen who enforce his will, instead of law enforcement officers, agents, and attorneys who enforce federal law.

Insulting the way someone talks. Wooo, I bet Sessions ran home and cried.’s a thing.

The hatred and extreme bias of me by @CNN has clouded their thinking and made them unable to function. But actually, as I have always said, this has been going on for a long time. Little Jeff Z has done a terrible job, his ratings suck, & AT&T should fire him to save credibility!”

Sessions isn’t a capable defender of the president on television”
That isn’t the Attorney General’s job, but it does illustrate Trump’s view of it.

...but that’s the thing. He wasn’t lying. Based on this administration’s well-known (disgustingly racist) policies, they DID do a fantastic job in Puerto Rico.

Now, which fine upstanding white male Americans did you all criminals and rapists steal your citizenship from? Tell me and I might not let the dementors eat your soul.

Have you guys done any posts on the NYT’s story about the White House leaking Virginia Democratic candidate Abigail Spanberger’s application for a security clearance (which includes her social security number and medical information) to a Super PAC with ties to Paul Ryan? 

Whenever I get into the Facebook comment on public articles circle of hell, I am starting to see a pattern....where some people think he is literally the second coming. I am not even exaggerating - I think after he dies, there will be a significantly influential religion that springs up.

I didn’t get that from his statement, I almost think he’s telling his “supporters” what to do.  I used to think Trump was dumb as dirt but I’m beginning to wonder.  Oh yeah, and fuck Falwell and any other “christian” that considers this behavior acceptable.  

It will absolutely work on these voters, though.

Trumpolini is trying to mobilize the right-wing death squads while Chuck rolls over.