Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Whoever at Fox News posted that picture knew exactly who that was knowing that their base wouldn’t know or care and the rest of us would be rightly pissed. 

This is the photo of Aretha Franklin and Pattie Labelle we intended to publish”

the tie sells it...

  • Nancy Pelosi to media: Why you so obsessed with me? [The Hill]

FBI: We’re going to steal the election from Donald Trump by framing Trump and not going after Hillary! We’re going to accomplish that by publicly announcing the Hillary investigation, publicly excoriating Hillary even as we clear her, publicly reopening the Hillary investigation right before the election, and not

They can guarantee there was no collusion, they can guarantee North Korea has stopped its nuclear program, they can guarantee there is widespread voter fraud, they can guarantee there is no human-caused climate change, they can guarantee Mexico is going to pay for a wall, they can guarantee there was no Russian

My father was in the military, and firmly advised us to never broadcast our position... it exposes one to the enemy; known and unknown.

I respect where he’s coming from but he shouldn’t have put that out there for two reasons:

We are family...
but my clan won’t tolerate me.
We are family
I disgust them all easily.

Don’t go singing their praises just yet. While some of the justices are looking like real pieces of shit some of them seem to be getting roped along with this for far less heinous expenses.

blatant power grab by the Republicans here as they now get to pack the court

Every Republican I’ve burrowed deep into the fetid mud to exchange views with (“views” being strictly metaphorical, since they were all blind) since Shithole 45 was implanted has ended their alternating attempts at blood-sucking and vomiting by declaring to me those WERE the only two choices.

Stewart is an idiot why give him attention? This just fuels all the false equivalence nonsense where people accuse antifa, who are mostly just a bunch of pissed off teenagers and twenty somethings with a lot of energy and earnestness, of being terrorists.

The joke being that most of the Fa (if there’s an “antifa” there must be a “fa”, yes?), wouldn’t know an Enlightenment idea if it came up to their house and told them to fuck off, no Irish allowed.  

What’s the status of the Trump businesses? I thought Beavis and Butthead were staying out of politics because theyre running daddy’s businesses?

I wonder how easy campaigning will be when he’s under indictment and his father is claiming he doesn’t know him.

I know I’m not saying anything revolutionary here, but the kneeling players look completely respectful here. The cops, their union, white America, and Trump act like the players are busy taking a piss on the flag or something

“There are real Americans who don’t even have cars to live in! Those brown people are basically in summer camp!”

Or we could:

But what’s cool about being an invincible financial monolith that provides a service people cannot live without is that you don’t have to CARE what people think of you, I’d imagine.