Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Never forget this debacle:

But Obama was in office 8 years and had done nothing with that law, hence he must be for it which means Trump will destroy it. Or just do whatever the hell he wants and declare it null because it was a “bad deal” for Amurrika. Either method works for him. 

This is a shiny object of distraction. Our attention, focus and dialog needs to be on Manafort trial, Nunes tapes, Collins et al indictment and caged and abused immigrants as well as the Rethugs plans to further take away our health care, social security, medicare and other social programs, and letting Cheeto’s golf

Basically, Fox and Friends tell him stuff, he says it at rallies, and if they cheer, he throws a fit trying to get whatever it is. I’m sure if F&F had said “We need an underground force driving around in those giant drills from that movie with Hillary Swank” he’d be demanding that too.

Are you kidding me? One true and correct answer; Lying Cat

The postal service has a unique place within our government. It basically runs as a non-profit would. It has never had major issues with money, being funded by postage and shipping supplies. Until the repubs decided it would be a good target to privatize. Every single financial issue the usps has now was intentionally

The VA is the largest healthcare system in the US and it has it’s issues but Bone Spurs and his cabal of feckless cronies have no interest in solving those issues or doing anything at all to benefit veterans. The VA is nothing more than a cash cow and a perfect target for Trump’s one true over-riding policy of Solu

I’d recommend working the polls in some capacity for a lot of reasons, not just to guard against fuckery (although that’s important).  When I’ve done it, it was pretty heartwarming to see people fired up about voting (although the asshole who picked a fight with me was no fun, she was more than offset by the people

I think he’s referring to Rubio, Kasich, Jeb!, Cruz, and Carson. Because these party over country people were never voting for Clinton while a SCOTUS seat was up for grabs.

You call it philanthropy, but those gilded age oligarchs knew full well what their charitable public works was really for: guillotine insurance.

Trump decided he wanted a star and paid for it. There was a group of fans petitioning to get him a star. Trump doesn’t even deserve a star. What’s his career? Nanny, Home Alone II cameo and a reality TV show? 

Those stars aren’t free, the person has to be nominated (by themselves or others) then agree to pay a one-time fee. Trump’s self-bought monument is a problem now, it’s costing them money to clean or replace. Fact is, from now until people forget who Trump is, they’re going to have to keep cleaning or replacing that

“Because of this, we have never removed a star from the Walk.”

The memorial signpost for Emmet Till, the black teenager killed in 1955 after he was wrongly accused of whistling at a white woman, has been shot again—35 days after the sign was replaced because vandals shot it.

I know that this is UK rather than US, but I suspect that some of the root causes are the same:

Hip, hip, horrah!
Unemployment is “down” again.

Er, except, has anyone bothered to really examine the BLS stats in depth?

The true number of unemployed in America has risen to 95,598,000 (that’s 95.598 MILLION, folks). UP from 95,502,000 in June ‘18.

The grim reality:
• There are 326 million TOTAL people in the U.S.
• Less

It’s like squirting more lighter fluid on an already lit pile of charcoal. You won’t get to cook any faster, but the fireball you just produced is damned impressive. That’s the Trump economy.

And also to add to your point, when Bush passed the Medicare drug benefit Part D, the Republicans explicitly FORBADE Medicare from negotiating more reasonable drug prices. Thanks again, Republicans!

It’s almost like universal healthcare might be a good idea, to replace the current system in the US.