Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

One thing that I love about this country is our ability to “borrow” from the future, and then be absolutely SHOCKED when we, then, have to deal with the repercussions of having done this. See the Trump tax cuts. At some point, all those taxes that we won’t be paying from 2018 to whenever Trump’s tax cut is done, are

Only selling the regional chips in THEIR markets, rather than being like “taste of the (region)“ and mixed around is dumb. I’m in Texas and I want those goddamn Old Bay chips. I can get queso any time I want.

Ironic the owner of Uriahs Heating and Cooling found himself in a Heap of trouble

Hmm, this year’s crop of white tears is exceptional.

I said earlier, he should be happy he didn’t get shot and keep it moving.

I just watched the video despite reading the article from the other day. Hoo-boy.

This is the best thing about social media, the Court of Public Opinion.  Just move to another state, disguise yourself and lay low for about 6 months, and you should be able to start another business under a different name 😂😂😂

“I’m out of business, I’m completely out, I’m done, I’ll never work in Columbus again,” he added. “This has completely and thoroughly ruined my life.”

Should have thought of that before you followed a black man some two miles to his house (like, what the fuck? This is how people get shot)“

I’m pleased to see she’s still around and kicking.

If I remember, they were opposed to even filing the opt-out form.

Whose side is Betsy on, the students’ or the schools’?

You won’t find a single conservative who knows jack about how our immigration process works. But they all feel the need to chime in with their own idiotic view of what it needs to do.

I guess I am slightly more optimistic. Reading the actual court decision there are several noteworthy things here. First is the important nuance here that the decision to not sell was based on the type of cake, not the type of customer. He had previously refused to sell a cake celebrating a gay marriage to the

I dont want some guys uncle from Kansas who thinks all brown and black people are criminals to be in America. Can we deport all racist uncles from Kansas?

Is she your sister?

Given that there are a lot of Southern douchebags who based their racism on loose interpretations of the bible, you are very correct. And the examples you gave are definitely what we are approaching. I’m going to say it again: it’s going to take a good 20-30 *YEARS* to recover from this fucker’s tenure as president.

I never said he was a saint, but he was instrumental in drafting the constitution and founding the government, so his opinion on how it should function is relevant. And when Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions III and his ilk try to tell us this country was founded as a Christian nation, there’s actual documentation that it

You’re missing the same point these protesters are:

It appears you’re writing a petition that requests your gargantuan employer to give up millions of government dollars and risk the wrath of Trump supporters. Would you like my help?