Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Call your congressmen, and call them cowards for abrogating their duty. Also, do not fail to point out that supporting a criminal Administration headed by a foreign agent is TREASON.

Even Joe Walsh had enough after this press conference, and that says a lot.

Sooo when is the big protesting starting...

This was so extraordinary that Joe fucking Walsh is going on and on about how Trump is a traitor on twitter.

I am but a greyish white person around here, so don’t normally comment I told the guys at AV / Onion: The best bet is to market your site separately and not associate yourself with the former Gawkerverse.

Troll *Alert*

Thank you to all of my great supporters, really big progress being made. Other countries wanting to fix crazy trade deals. Economy is ROARING. Supreme Court pick getting GREAT REVIEWS. New Poll says Trump, at over 90%, is the most popular Republican in history of the Party. Wow!

He attributed an “ePoll” so it's entirely irrelevant.

excruciating international embarrassment

BTW. Because we’re going to hear a lot about it in the next couple of days. Trump’s repeated comments that the US is owed billions by other members of NATO...

Not asap. They were charging the taxpayer $700 per night they had the kid.

The lawsuit is going to be amazing, the best.

I imagine determining citizenship status was about number 69 on their checklist when detaining families.

ISIS gave Trump the blueprint; Trump’s empowerment of RW militias will turn this country into city states surrounded by Mad Max warlord enlaves.

I’m not sure. This is a clear signal to the right wing thugs that they can commit violent felonies as long as Trump approves. This is exactly what Hitler and Mussolini did.

Small govenment is for Democrats. The same way deficits are only bad when the president is a Democrat.

Certainly looks like it. No need to speculate about why Trump chose him, this opinion sums it up in a nutshell:

Anyone who thought trump would pick a justice for any other reason than to protect himself from the Mueller investigation was delusional.

Why does this announcement need to be aired at 9pm on major networks? I bet Trump was salivating at a chance to be on TV.