Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Yes. She also said that government has over a dozen kids for whom they do not know the identity of their parents.

Dad jokes:

There is urgency- the initial injunction required that kids under five be reunited within 14 days. The govt is being compelled to produce a list of names by tomorrow. It wouldn’t do much good to have a long meeting every day about it with the judge when what needs to happen is document production.

Far more annoying was her insistence that it was going to be REALLY HARD to get a list of 101 names of kids under 5 to the ACLU lawyers because the list “might be overinclusive” and the fact that she kept making this argument after the judge was like “yeah it is fine if it is overinclusive we want everyone to be

Here are some Trump-supporting kids saying they don’t want Mexicans “overpopulating us.”

Listening to a report on Trump’s (incredibly stupid, potentially disastrous) trade war with China, I wondered, where does the tariff money go? To Treasury? General revenue or a specific fund? Given Trump’s policies always seem to financially benefit a private corporation or donor eventually, who is benefiting here? 

Gotta give *45's regime a little credit here, though, for consistency if nothing else—they literally cannot do a single thing correctly, competently, humanely, or morally.

Did a little Twitter thread digging.

Oh, well it all makes sense now.

When this fiasco was first rolled out, someone keenly observed that the Federal govt., specifically ICE, was failing to perform a task routinely carried out successfully every day by another organisation - Chuck E Cheese (which apparently puts matching bracelets on parents and children to foil any potential predators.)

This looks like to me that these the people who were discharged were in what is called the “Delayed Entry Program” AKA DEP. This means they swore the oath, but beyond that they have never been trained, given a military ID or even issued uniforms. You can be discharged from the DEP for damn near anything.

The Trump Administration’s Attempt to Reunite Separated Families Has Been a Total Disaster

Impeachment will never happen.

Absolutely moving the goal posts. A quick progression:

I am a naturalized citizen as well. We need to make no mistake here. They’re coming for ALL of us. They dream of using their current guidelines to retroactively deny our applications. We need to fight at every level and not wait until they come around for us because we thought we were “safe”.

As a liberal, if I sneeze during the national anthem, then I am being disrespectful of the troops. But, this is fine. I’m sure it’s all Obama’s fault, too. 

“Well, this isn’t hauntingly familiar or anything,” says my (late) German Jewish grandfather who served in the German military and, then, didn’t.

She responded like someone who is running for President would, which I’m really crossing my fingers for. 

Think what you will of the military (I come from a military family, and am married to a current service member, so I’m biased in favor of the military as a general rule), but any person willing to put their life on the line for this nation is an American in my mind—and infinitely more deserving of citizenship than

There’s a reason Trump uses MS-13 and not Latin Kings or Mexican Mafia as his example, and it’s because anecdotally they’ve committed some really heinous crimes, even by street gang standards. They earned a reputation for being notoriously dangerous and violent. If you’re hellbent on demonizing young, Latino men,