Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Safety bullying: Like regular bullying, except when you call them the fuck out for bullying, they say it was justified because “safety.” IE, using the word “safety” as a thought-stopping cliche to justify anything. See also: “National security,” “free speech,” “the children,” “I feared for my life.”

“Even if she was selling something, why would you call the cops?”

Fox is the next to go, after the November elections, no matter what the outcome is. Now that they have spun off their entertainment division, and the news division stands on its own, we boycott every advertiser on every show, until they are driven out of business, or cost Rupert Murdoch so much money that he finds it

Setting aside the racism thing, does that woman look even remotely threatening? She looks like the world’s friendliest librarian.

OMG my brother—once a doctrinaire atheist, whose wife steadily wore him down until he, too, became an evangelical Christian—lives in the city of Clackamas.

Americans want abortion rights, goddamnit!

PSU says this is the first campus-officer involved shooting since the 2015 policy change.”

I never could understand why campus police ever needed sidearms. We fought this for years at a local university. The cops eventually prevailed and got their guns. Now they’re even conducting traffic stops in the local community, which just burns me. Power trip with no good end. 

I don’t think ‘urban’ is necessarily intended to be malicious. The campus is located in Downtown Portland, its an ‘urban campus’ in the literal sense, due to location.

Portland’s so white, urban really does just mean it’s located downtown. (it is a bit tone deaf in this context, though)

“As the spokeswoman for the President, I’m not here to talk about what he said or did or tweeted.

I recommend listening to her interview on the Daily as she actually goes a bit more in to detail in this. Basically she won’t ask how a judge would rule in a specific case as that puts pressure on the nominee and, based on the Ginsburg rule, won’t ask about the personal beliefs of the nominee.

“Either you are for Drumpf or you are against him,” Dershowitz sobbed into his word processing program, “and that is all some people need to know to make judgments about you.”

It definitely sounds like they’re taking the piss there. I bet they’re really enjoying the look on AD’s face every time he gets turned away.

Is someone else going to be taking over Barf Bag? :(

you’re starting ubaby! i knew it.

Former cook here. Ideally the food should be rotated every three hours if you can’t guarantee it will stay above 140 degrees F or below 42 degrees. Even so, three hours at that temperature will dry food out really bad and it should be rotated for freshness anyway. Buffets are a dice roll anyway if you don’t know for

That stuff is no joke. It is the reason why the Japanese add vinegar to rice which will be eaten cold. The bacillus cerus does not like acid. The problem with those buggers is that they are often already present in the rice and cooking does not kill them, it only stopps their development, if the temperature is kept