Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

well thanks for my nightmares

Update: It isn’t, until 2019. And that’s a long time in Trump years.

This. It was deliberate. Here’s how I know.

This is the office that lied about the inauguration crowd size. They are willing to lie about whether the sun was shining. Sarah Sanders’ mouth-words have nothing to do with whether Trump did/ didn’t say a word, or there is/isn’t an audiotape. The truth does not matter to them. Only the official line matters to them. D

Why is Putin holding up that owl?

Oh, that explains this puff piece on Junior in the Post on Sunday.

You are probably right. 

In leaked audio of California Republican and chair of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes, he states that Republicans need to maintain control of the House in order to protect Trump from the Russia investigation.

Kochs/Mercers/[??RU??] have the money to influence media and tell Trumpers what to think. They’ll force Trump out but keep Trumpism. 

Not so much idiots as cowards (Congress).

We MUST learn to ignore his stupid flash bangs to change the news focus.

In the headlines Trump goes golfing and on vacation for many days a year. “Why isn’t he working?” But he is working. Not in a way that is accountable to the American people, and he’s not working for us, but he is working. Golf courses can’t be bugged, and Mar-a-lago won’t release its guest lists. Pay for play.

Can we talk about voting? We are going to need observers at the polls at the November midterms.

You’re not wrong! Look up “Prosperity gospel.” If you’re poor or sick it’s because of a personal failing. I am not sure how they explain being born with cystic fibrosis or another defect, but I know they will have a reason why they don’t have to think about it. Once you know this, Paul Ryan’s lies are easier to parse.

Speaking of trade wars: for some gallows humor, listen to (or read transcript of) today’s Marketplace radio show. Kai Ryssdal, who does not believe in supply-side economics, interviews Larry Kudlow. What comes out very clearly is Kudlow’s contempt for the public.

Now playing

You’re gonna lose, Alex. And now some music.

So there’s a market for small sharks? That explains why three people stole a shark from the San Antonio Aquarium in a baby stroller.

WaPo “sob story” about a white rural working-class woman,