Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

On this Kinja site tonight:

(/OT You all must start following Mrs. Betty Bowers immediately.)

That’s what Sessions will claim he’s referencing. The AG is still lying.

So when does she join the White House staff?

The top of the fridge is the one that gets me (5'4"). Anything could be going on up there.

Mike Pompeo said that the White House’s invitation to Russian president Vladimir Putin “makes enormous sense.”

“Su-ure, Russia, you can interrogate former diplomat Michael McFaul! It’s nothing to me, just a U.S. Citizen! What Oath??”

The U.S. Attorneys screwed the pooch. Twice.

But not protesting while armed, right?

It is important. It should have gotten more news. Clever of Congress to do it while we were all looking the other way. Shock and awe.” I am now convinced that this is an administration strategy and we’re going to see it again and again in future regimes administrations. No more slow news days.

And in a week or so it will be time for another Trump rally, like the one he held in Phoenix on August 22, 2017. He will double down on what he said in Helsinki and then some. WE HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE.

Jeebus, that headline. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it today.

This just in: Jeff Flake is disappointed.

Donald Trump has aligned with Russia, over our own intelligence agencies.

Please God yes. I’ll bring popcorn.

Hmm, complex sentence construction, large words. Don’t thank POTUS, thank the intern who actually wrote that tweet.

Well, we knew it was one of four choices from a Federalist Society list. And at least it isn’t a TV judge, or a horse.

At the end of his life, my dad’s brain started winking out. It was strange. It seemed to happen in sections, like a city suffering a cascading power blackout, sectionss at a time. One example: he seemed to talk normally, but the doctor in the exam said “Robert, if a candy bar cost you fifteen cents and you gave me a

Who knows if gun laws would work. The gun laws in Chicago don’t matter, when all you have to do to get a gun is drive to Indiana.