Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

I am less confident too. Alternate explanation in thread by John Noonan, below. FWIW. YMMV.

OT: I was asking myself: how many of the Administration’s actions of incompetence, neglect and cruelty are actually part of the original 2016 GOP platform? I found a PDF of the Platform— 66 pages long. I’m still wading through it.


So it seems like the headline may be inaccurate. Nonetheless, neither the lawyer nor the judge feel urgency. IANAL. Is this normal in the courts?

The “dog sitting responsibilities” line was weird and tone deaf given context but not the worst thing the DOJ lawyer said by a long shot and I don’t think really had substantive impact

Carrie Cordero posted three articles on Lawfare over the past few weeks.

I disagree. Elizabeth Warren spun it exactly correctly. She turned it back on him and got the topic back to the trash he’s doing. We need to do that every. Damn. Time. We need to hammer home our talking points.

Speaking of Straight Out of Central Casting, does Bill Shine use the same tanning salon that Donald Trump does?

Maybe Pruitt believes it. In the sense that “God made a wrecking ball for Christian Nationalists to use, and just left it there for us. We don’t have to ask the wrecking ball if it’s religious.”

Looking forward to it.

Stateside? Fire in the streets. Bonfires or torches, one or the other.

He really does see it as a TV show, doesn’t he. It’s all about persuasion and entertainment.

“Sniffing Bull”

The Barf Bag went out too early. (I miss Ellie.) This happened. That whole right-wing “Russia interference is a nothing burger”? SSCI (all eight of them) say: nope, it’s true. Spin that, Hannity. Note that this announcement is about Russia interfering to throw it to TrumpAdmin— not whether TrumpAdmin cooperated. I am

The only thing that would matter is that if there is evidence that Trump personally has done something that would land him in jail.

Or a toddler playing in traffic. If it was only Trumpkin that got hurt, I’d stay back and let it happen, but it’s not.

3/8 bog-trotter here. I think it’s funny.

So many questions. Was the chicken shit local, or carried with him from West Virginia? (That’s a biohazard—parasites.) Did Reggie See drive alone to Lexington, or was he on a bus with a lot of other Jesus’ friends? They can’t sing “99 bottles of beer” on the way down, so it was probably hymns and Christian camp songs,

Well, he is getting what he wanted—fifteen minutes of fame.

Needs more stars.