Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Do you mean the Fox News Studios at 1211 Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan? I have often wondered whether protesters did gather before the building, or if it was even possible to do so.

Mmmmmaybe. There are rumors.

Hey, thought about billionaire Wilbur “can of soup” Ross lately? Of course not, with all the dumpster fires.

Fear works. This 30-second nugget of fear will do the job. It can even be false, manufactured fear. You can go back and check the facts but by the time you do, thirty other people have had it stuffed in their heads. Trump knows. Lie as much as you can.

It’s the motel-room art on the walls that did it for me.

“Defendant chose to represent his own office in this matter, and as such, had a duty to familiarize himself with the governing rules of procedure....The Court therefore imposes a [Continuing Legal Education] requirement of 6 hours for the 2018-2019 reporting year in addition to any other CLE education required by his

Actually, that bit put me on edge. This is where it starts:“Everyone’s out to get me.” We’re going to see him in the papers, and not in a good way.

“Blah blah deeply concerned blah,” Flake said in a statement.

Sooooo.... you’re saying that the photo is not retouched? That it’s real?

It does serve the interests of the private prison industry.

I got that

No it is not. Snopes: report.

But the shade!

I agree. I’ll believe FLOTUS said that when I see FLOTUS say it, and I might not believe it then because she could be reading off a script.


Actually, the White House is now saying that Trump WILL support either bill.

We know how people who want separation of church and state feel about Sessions’ speech. And we’re going to hear from a hornet’s nest of Christians who have read more of the Bible than Sessions has and have a different take on Romans and the treatment of strangers. (Go search on Twitter for “Sessions Romans.” Whee.)

Pres. Trump’s birthday is today. Last night I went to YouTube to watch a segment of Samantha Bee and I got this ad. “Sign Donald Trump’s birthday card!”