Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

she plans to leave the administration at the end of the year.

Say, Larry, when talking with other governments, what other tools besides “If you hit me, I’m gonna hit you back” does Trump have in his toolbox? 

Where does that $8B go? I mean, who gets to keep it? Is this the Republican plan to pay off the $1 Trillion in deficits? (In addition to gutting social services.) It won’t work.

British Prime Minister Theresa May .... said she was “looking forward” to the visit...

Not MANLY enough, Donald? You mean the way that shortie President Macron squeezed your hand so hard it left a white thumbprint?

Furthermore, NO ONE, not another national ally, enemy combatant, trade partner, foreign government; political or business ally will EVER have reason to trust the United States again BECAUSE OF THE ABSOLUTE WASTE THIS MAN IS LAYING TO ITS CREDIBILITY.

Today the Justice Department filed a paper that

Here are some tweets the president was allowed to publish:

But if a WHITE gun owner commits a crime, he’s “wacky”, a “real nut”, “disturbed”, “an outlier”, “not part of a larger trend”. Got it.

Is this media theatre? Damn right it is! And it’s about time we grab the mike. If the media will only look at the shiny things, it’s time to get shiny if we want the big issues covered.

[We] need to be unapologetic as the republicans are, show some fucking spine and get the voters inflamed. we need to siege the house like a berserk viking horde. and you do that by giving hope that if we fight hard enough, today we take the house, tomorrow the senate, and then the presidency.

Politics as trolling. Well, he’s certainly getting the attention he wanted.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Jobs report released today says unemployment is lowest since 2000.

To which the answer is “who’s gonna stop him”

[TrumpTweet:] A.P. has just reported that the Russian Hoax Investigation has now cost our government over $17 million, and going up fast.

Doesn’t belong on broadcast TV and quite frankly neither does Samantha Bee

What an efficient way to tell the nation “The Rule of Law is crooked and you don’t need to follow it” and “Friends of Trump are taken care of.”

Absolutely. And to give the TV outlets a nice clip for the evening news. SHS with tears in her eyes as she addresses a little boy reporter? That’s gold.

More about the kid from To get in the Press pool today, I’d think he’d have to be invited. Which means SHS would know about it and be prepared.