Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Trump either does, or does not, know what is in the Constitution. If I try to teach basic algebra to a teenager, and he refuses to take his eyes off his iPhone (and I am am not allowed to knock it out of his hands), is that a matter of his incapacity to learn? Even if true, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

I’m no lawyer so cannot comment on whether we have grounds to sue him or indict him for something. But we should be able to get him for not honoring the Constitution. The President’s Oath is part of the Constitution, our founders thought it was that important.

What really puzzles me is that there are women who voted for Donald in the first place, but to vote for him again in 2020 blows my mind.

I agree but @aidetweetbot “thinks” DJT wrote it.

Except now I think I am wrong about the succession because of an EO that Trump signed in March 2017.

Yeah. Rachel Brand announced tonight she’s stepping down to take a $$$ job as a lawyer in the private sector. Specifically, for Walmart. I looked it up and the Walton family aren’t Trumpers — they backed Clinton in the 2016 election — but I dunno, odd timing.

Yeah. I walk that back. I’m a little hot under the collar today. I haven’t started throwing rocks at random because I like not getting arrested or shot. But why don’t we have an organized march? this is bullshit. I go to local marches but Trump definitely doesn’t care what we do here on the left coast.

but is there some final straw that would make you go OH HELL NO ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Running a candidate costs money. Nobody wants to throw money away.

Now playing

I haven’t seen Gawkerverse talk about the White House Press Briefing held two days ago. I guess this is where it can fit.

I pretend Fox News doesn’t exist.

Thanks for a smile. Still loving that woman in a red dress rocking it at 1:50.

The interim director of the EMA, Brig. Gen. Moses Kaoiwi Jr., told Hawaii Now that he was open to considering the proposal. However, Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim told the station he was wary the federal government lacks “site specific information” necessary to coordinate a response to any potential disaster and that

Just Say No, trickle down economics, abstinence only education... a majority of the GOP’s policies are a hodgepodge of proven failures.

I know this is a South Park meme, but:

Yes. Must keep up.

White House chief of staff John Kelly defended the president’s immigration proposals today, calling immigrants “too afraid” and “too lazy to get off their asses.”

“If we have to shut it down because the Democrats don’t want safety,” Trump told reporters, “let’s shut it down.”

Be a man, Donny! You can’t have these little men tell you what to do, Donny! You pay them! You go right on in that interview and clear things up for Mueller! You’re the only one who can! It’ll be fine. Believe me.

Why does the USA “desperately” need a wall? What’s happened in the past year to justify his need for a wall?