Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

I am a Democrat (and probably politically naïve.) Tell me why the Illinois Republican Party wouldn’t want to put forward someone, anyone, in the IL-3 primary. The postman, my mother. Anyone. The candidate would lose, of course in the general - but they’d be on the ballot. The Democrat wouldn’t run unopposed. And in

Yes, it is gerrymandered. From the Sun-Times

I’m not rational enough right now to comment on what Marco Rubio is throwing out there because I lost it at the title. NO, IVANKA. GO AWAY. WE DON’T BELIEVE YOU. Go make a barbed-wire centerpiece for Easter and write about it in a magazine.

Last July near Tacoma—I forgot that one. Human error, yes? The safeguards did exactly what they should do to avoid worse mayhem. Human error was also a factor in this winter’s accident. Is Amtrak looking at the screening and training process?

In November, Jones will face either Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Ill., a Western Springs resident, or Lipinski’s Democratic primary challenger, Marie Newman from La Grange.

This. She would be in light blue. AND SHE IS.

Also, in order for a prenup to be enforced Melania must have had her own attorney.

She’d be in a good position to get more than the prenup grants on its own, though, because there’s no doubt he’d want it to be over cleanly.

I agree with all of this except I don’t think Ivanka posted it. Ivanka doesn’t care. She has media consultants to post for her. They know who their message is targeted at.

And that is a lovely website. I got lost for an hour last night looking at recipes.

Don’t forget estate sales. If I ever get an IP, that’s where I’ll find it. Yes, we will start seeing them.

Science! I never knew before now that it’s harder to steam rice in Santa Fe.

Obvious post is obvious, but you know that Trump thinks Mugabe’s mansion is big-league beautiful.

This. Abortion is still legal in this country. You talk to right-wing yobbos about compassion for DREAMers, you get “They’re illegal. It’s against the law. You don’t like it, go to Congress and change the law.”

At least two people missed this error, if it’s like the print jobs I am familiar with. The guy who set it up in the print shop (the Government print shop? or outsourced) missed the error. Then the aide in the White House signing off on the proof missed the error. Understaffing?

Now playing

Add the hand gestures, and I think you’ve captured it!

OK, let’s drag this out again.

As for your latter. I really don’t care about what other countries think because it ultimately doesn’t matter.

How we got here is pretty simple: one political party decided that winning was more important than anything else. Morals, conviction, policy; all of those went out the window so they could have their man in charge.