Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

You can try coming here to Canada, a far superior country in terms of basic human rights being upheld, [at least recently, the 1990s and before were horrible]

I love that you troll telemarketing right-to-lifers. I hope you give them the vapors.

That’s an odd thing. “He” spelled ‘Media’ correctly twice, and then spelled it ‘Meadia.’ That feels forced.

Edit: Nothing to see here folks. Someone beat me to it.

Would this help? 265 members of Congress who took donations from the telecom industry.

Corn subsidies, you say? What a coincidence!

the Establishment Republicans collaborated cooperated with the Democrats to flip that keep a man who does not believe in the rule of law or separation of Church and state from occupying a senate seat  

No, it isn’t. Rosenstein said this morning that he won’t fire Mueller.

“Tax on meat”? No. Who pays the tax? A sales tax on meat would be another regressive tax. If you want to reduce meat consumption, how about reducing the subsidies on its production (which we also pay for)?

Strzok and Page must have used their work-supplied phones to make those texts, which — that was stupid, people, learn from it, the company owns everything on a company-supplied phone and burner phones are $20.

“Password”? Heh.

There was a pretty sizable push to illegally register out of state voters to vote in this election. Probably not as large as the difference in votes, and probably even less successful, but it is still a concern that should, sadly, be looked into.

I don’t relax until Moore concedes. Will Moore concede? Or is he of the Trump mold: “No, you’re the loser!”

Yes, get ready for some horrendous verbal attacks on Twitter. I wonder how many copies of his phone he’s had, from throwing the phone against the wall. He seems the type.

Yes! More stars!

but this fuckin’ guy’s probably glued to that saddle. Dammit.

Maybe it varies by state. In Oregon, all the ballots are mail-in or drop-off. (It works, folks!) And on radio you hear LOTS of reminders as the date approaches: “Okay, folks, if you haven’t mailed your ballot by today [something like a week before election day], you need to take it to a dropbox at your local

Well, wait, are they using El Vendejo down South America way? Because if they aren’t, they should! Vendejo, pendejo, he’s for sale, he’s a f’n idiot, he’s both!

Aawww man I just got it. Yes. Vendejo. Definitely.