Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Well, for some of us, it was the first day after Nov. 8th, 2016 that we could get off the couch and take a shower.

10-4. But we all call him that.

45 should be referred to as El Vendejo, like they do down here in S.A.

The senior senator from Alabama, Richard Shelby was, to his credit, forthright: He said the state “deserves better,” and that he “wouldn’t vote for Roy Moore.”

So you know about this stupid flyer, right?

Oh, that is Janet Porter, anti-abortionist hired gun from Ohio, She counts on volume and hyperbole. She just keeps throwing incendiary talking points, in no particular order.

This. I want to hear from Doug Jones’ committee.

I fully expect to see some sort of “this President is the healthiest in history!” statement.

And if he really meant he wanted to be a surrogate, a bad idea. He’s 60. Sperm gets old, too. It’s all strange.

Is it legal for the Pres. to tout products to the public?

You can disable the mike and the camera in the BIOS, if the tape bothers you.

My concern isn’t that the device is recording 24-7 out of the box, but whether the recording function can be turned on/modified by the company once the device is in a home. e.g. if the government compels Apple/Google/Amazon...

Now playing

Wait, no one here remember Joni Mitchell’s cover on “Court and Spark?” It’s the only one I knew...

So do you think Harlow should have asked, “Do you sincerely believe that Jones wants to kill my baby?”

This whole regulation of how tips are distributed makes no sense to me for this reason: Why does the Trump Administration CARE? I thought they wanted to REDUCE regulations, not add more of them. Who’s getting a kickback?

So which one of Trump’s propaganda team came up with THIS sick tweet?

Realistically the Vice President would step down, Trump names a new VP, and then he steps down.

an all-white cisgender male President.

I hope that rumor is true. Bonus: Pres. Orrin Hatch might listen to his advisors.

Darn. ABC walked that back. Trump did that action as Pres-elect, not as a candidate. That reporting mistake is too bad because now all the Trumpers can jump up and down shouting “See We Told You ABC Was FAKE NEWS.”