Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

How is this tax bill happening? They know it’s terrible.

Remember this?

That is a horrible world, and if your points are right, they are enemies of a democratic republic. How do you get out of that world?

Reddit: a graph of Trump Tweet Density vs. Fox & Friends Airtime, 2017

How did Trump even find those tweets in the first place?

Haven’t seen anyone mention this but it seems important:

The most cruel nation on earth is the US. And the world thinks its North Korea or China.

This was inevitable and continues to take away any capital Trump appears to have. [”Chuck and Nancy” ] are much better at this game than he is

Thanks for link to Daily News article. It all still looks too gold/silver and formal to me, but I track mud everywhere so I’m not a good judge.

He’s eleven? He is. Melania’s wearing heels and he’s almost up to her height. Wow.

Anything else is equal to open borders and the death of The United States.

Trump’s gonna Trump. He’s still a garbage human. But he did do a lot of people like me a favor— he made me notice that Time Magazine was still around. Now I actually am going to look for it on December 6th to see who made the cover. Maybe Time’ll get a subscription bump out of this. Once again, Donny Two-Scoops shoots

Yeah; it reminds me of something Michael Scott would try to do during a meeting about wage cuts.

You want to shred the cheese before you freeze it (or buy it shredded in a big bag). Freeze, take out what you need, it thaws fine. IMO.

Boy, that’s some distraction going there. Got the city wrong, and there’s the “has” error in the second line. Of course, that tweet is now missing from the @realdonaldtrump feed.

“There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” Ivanka Trump said on Wednesday. “ “I’ve yet to see a valid explanation [from Moore] and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.” She did not, however, urge Moore to exit the race.

I’m trying to figure out why they staged the photo op of them treating the U.S. Mint as if they are touring Disney World. “Look at us, tee hee.” Who’s this for, anyway? Is it going to be the Mnuchin Christmas card?