Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

It’s not yet known who has been charged, but arrests are expected as early as Monday. I’m betting either Manafort or Flynn.

How is this man so damn untouchable????

Why the fuck does anyone NOT IKEA need fucking furniture pedestals?

O thank God it’s not just me. I can’t listen to the radio in public anymore. I break out swearing when 45's voice hits my ears.

What was the administration’s argument here?

The government did not pay for the procedure. The money came from elsewhere. That did not stop Pravda FoxNews from lying that the government would be paying for the procedure.

I don’t understand why the choice has to be only between getting in the sycophant line or going home.


The Vox article is scary/hilarious. Does the Fox audience just go by the sound of the voices, like my dog does, without trying to make sense of the words?

And with pensions almost completely gone, that’s basically saying “F you, you’ll never retire, you’ll work until you’re broken and then die penniless” to the vast majority of the country. I mean, what, does he *want* to have more people end up on welfare?

there’s talk of capping 401K contributions at $2400 instead of the currently $18,000 so balance out the tax cuts for people eligible for the estate tax.

Senator Blumenthal asked [Sessions] at the oversight hearing the other day whether or not he knew [that Trump] was interviewing US Attorneys for the SDNY, EDNY, DC, and the FL District that Mar-a-Lago is in – basically whether or not he knew his boss was behaving like a mob boss (he certainly wasn’t making an effort

An aggressive plainclothes officer wearing a green and black jacket, baseball cap, and khaki pants

What could there be in 65 year old documents that still need to be classified to protect national security in 2017?

Sure, but can we keep going with an actively sabotaging Executive Branch?

Isn’t this like a common thing at Faux?

Anyway, while going through the old posts it was surprising the sheer amount of garbage this administration has done that I had forgot about.

Pence is 59, but point taken. It would be really easy in south central Indiana in the 1970's to not “move with the times” of those Godless liberals on the coasts- cable TV wasn’t a thing, no internet, locally-owned newspapers had control of what got printed. Very easy. I grew up somewhere else small-town about the

Speaking of, did Trump’s donation to Texas’ recovery ever happen?