Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

I honestly, as much as I can’t stand him, don’t in any way think he meant it in the way that everyone is jumping up and down about.

I am going to be that person. The word “soldier” is misspelled in the title and it is distracting.

An aside. If Pence becomes president before Jan 20, 2019 (more than half the term left), he could run for reelection at most one time. If he becomes president after Jan 20, 2019 (so less than half the term left), he could run for reelection twice. So potentially ten years of this.

I am missing something really obvious here, so help me out.

I see almost no network TV so no, I didn’t know that Oprah was on “60 minutes.” I guess this is the 15-minute thumbnail.

N O B O D Y [that Congress will listen to] C A R E S.

“Happy Hogswatch!”

I had not read that, but thank Google I know about it now. He’d have some savage things to say about today.

This is how we act in public nowadays. And Trump is a president who never admits wrong and tweets hate and disrespect. Those two things are linked. I don’t know which one begat the other but now they’re in a feedback loop.

I know he neither reads the Constitution nor acknowledges its authority over his actions, but ... isn’t there some rule against that somewhere, when you’re installed in the WH, even if you’re technically #unfit to serve ...?

I was going to say that after 2016 this isn’t funny to me - feels like we’re just part of the bread and circuses while the oligarchs destroy our world (no i am not fun at parties yes get off my lawn) - but if Padgett were to compete, I’d watch! I’d help. TEAM PADGETT.

He’s going to ruin the US financially, just like he did with every business he ran. ...

Yes, Kmart. I’ve been trying for a while now to figure out why Kmart, Target and Walmart are aiming at about the same slice of the market—but in Kmart I walk in and instantly feel depressed and very aware I am in “the cheap store.” I don’t get that feeling in Target or Walmart. I don’t know why. Lighting? Old

You’re right. And how could I have forgotten the Terror Alert Levels. But one thing Trump does is egg on xenophobes, racists, and hatemongers of all kinds. He radiates hatred. I don’t remember Bush doing that.

anyone within spitting distance of the public eye who would be a worse president

Policy think tank the Brookings Institution has released a 108-page report concluding that Trump “likely obstructed justice” when he fired former FBI director James Comey, which would be an impeachable offense.

The days where putting the left sock on fist, was proof of communist sympathies.

then she should stop wearing belts and do what most women do and that is wear something lose fitting and flowing

You forgot gutting the State Department. Reversing health and safety regs. Reversing policies in the Department of Education. If their goal is really to dismantle the Federal Government, then it’s going gangbusters. I don’t understand why the 0.1% don’t realize what no government means, really means.