
Youtube, it's where you keep things under the rug.

Ayn Rand works great as well.

You're not the first but keep linking it anyway.

It is not. It is very very common.

Actually I think there are two bubbles. One is just more opaque than the other.

Agreed, but whether it is fair is definitely debatable.

Simpsons? It got 2 shoutouts on SNL this season.

All intelligence agencies agree that it was not fair (you meant fair, right, not far?).
Funny how liberal betas are the liars. Because Trump is a beacon for truth.

That's a bit harsh.

Not just talking to the air, I was there too.

I don't think it is that simple. You can represent a sitting president as a character who gets assassinated. What matters more is how you frame it.

He gets an award? Is there a ceremony? Because this amateurish site loves award ceremonies.

You'll fix Benghazi? You couldn't have done that earlier? You asshole…

Yeah, it's what this entire website is about.

Usually I would have assumed as much on this website but this particular article has been invaded.

I missed that on my first read. I agree with you.

Or maybe it didn't because I started by pointing out that last week when somebody actually fantasized about the death of the president and filmed and distributed that, that people from all over the spectrum said it was not ok.

Ironic? Debatable.
Predictable? Absolutely.

Ok, thanks for the extra information.

That last one is rhetorical, right?