
“The thing is, Larry David knew he was not doing quite well at the midpoint of his monologue.”

“Trophy Wife” was also a really funny show with a terrible title. I think Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky worked on that one, too.

Post Kinja The AV Club: one of those longstanding American traditions that people want to keep around without any regard for its relevance or meaning, simply because it’s a “tradition.”

The best thing about the “Papyrus” trailer: they used comic sans for the logo.

“NY City”- might have been a typo, but it was “NYC City”, the joke being in the redundancy.. anyway in the monologue I thought it was odd that Gosling said Blade Runner “two thousand forty-nine”, and the ad immediately after said, “twenty forty-nine”. Anyway, not a bad episode.

I have a disqus account, but since I once used the same email a decade ago to make one solitary comment on io9, it said the name/email was already “in use” and there was literally no way to try to re-activate the old account or get a new password or anything like that.

Oh man, are you the commenter who eats his own shit? You guys, you know he eats his own shit, right?

The first time I went to Belgium 8 or 9 years ago, I had plenty of the beers (including Westvleteren 9 and 12), and while they were all great, they didn’t stand out much higher than other similar ones I’d had. Here’s the thing though. When I got back home, ALL of the beers I had tasted sub-par. For 2 months all I

I typically upvote (star, whatever) most comments that respond to me or are gray users I recognize, but I do try to avoid approving the gray commenters who call me a shithead asshole cuckstick, of which there are a surprisingly large number of.

Watch, Skip or Binge Kinja?

Pepperidge farm rem.....

Remember when people used to comment on AV Club articles?

I’m not even a Harry Potter fan myself, but I think that with the exception of Buffy, Potter stands apart pretty clearly from the other big fandoms in that it coincided directly with the rise of the internet and the people who grew up with those books are the generation that is the core fandom/convention/etc mass

I think her arguments are that a) Harry Potter brought genre/ “nerd” culture into the mainstream for a generation, and b) led to the YA fiction explosion that followed.

Please don’t insult pornography by comparing it to Fox News.

Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.