
That is a crazy idea. But if I don’t go see it, how will I have seen it?

I would more easily call Hanks overhyped because of his involvement in ‘Saving Private Ryan’.

So, it’s bad?

I so wish it weren’t so. Now I’ll have to spend my money on a bad movie...

I did a quik ctrl+f of this page and found no mention of Coldplay and their entire catalog except for “The Scientist”.

Thanks for your sacrifice. It has not been in vain, I will stay away now.

Aaaaah damn. I screwed up. Your joke was ok, it is just that in some places they are actually proud to see their son be a butler. I tried to show that I only mean good things by including the (admittedly lame) Batwing comment.

They can just start over and they should, especially if Justice League is a failure. It won’t matter that they failed before if they make good movies. They can imitate Marvel all the way, it won’t matter if the movies are enjoyable.

Just keep WW and forget about the other movies and start over. Make a good Flash and

I do not know what you do for a living but it is very likely butlers make more money than you do and it is actually a pretty prestigious job.

That Papyrus sketch made the entire episode worth it.

I was pretty dismissive of all the people saying the move was gonna make the site suck. I never even liked Disqus. This new website however sucks. I don’t understand the layout and the way the articles are presented (the titles even look more clickbait-y then they used to) and there is all this other crap I never

Wait. Aren’t you guys at the AV club usually patronizing and mean to the Foo Fighters? I’m pretty sure it even gets referred to in a nickelback/journey-like way.

Unless I am missing something, that is a total non sequitur. All is forgiven though because you are just right. When you’re right, you’re right.

Make Restaurants Revolve Again!

Jonah Ryan as POTUS?
I would have loved that idea a year ago. Now it doesn’t seem as funny to put dumb person who just yells what other dumb people wanna hear in the White House. It’s just not that funny anymore. It actually sounds a little frightening and it defeats the escapist qualities of watching a TV show.

Or just don’t have anything but the best.

It’s so empty here, who are you talking to?

aaaaaa fuck!

German beers are ok but so few styles. For the best pilsners you are probably best of in Czech Republic. On anything else, the Belgians have everyone beat.

Maybe those things aren’t the same where I live because it really doesn’t feel like HP did that here (Belgium). In Belgium specifically the popularity of video games, the Star Wars prequel trilogy (because we never had such big fandom for the first trilogy) and superhero movie adaptations probably did more to bring

I think that first claim is a pretty bold one and it is one she cannot back up. Nerds with disposable income brought nerd culture into the mainstream. People with money to spend on superhero movies and cool Doctor Who gadgets or a bad Star Wars prequel trilogy. Harry Potter rode that wave just like so many others but

What is your point to prove that HP fandom was different from existing fandoms like Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, Buffy and more? All of those fandoms used the internet as well and I don’t see why Harry Potter stands out in any way. Your article did not make that very clear for me either. I am from the generation that