
Wait, was valerian also a flop? It wasnt a perfect movie but they can franchise it. It looked awesome and I liked how imaginative it was (well everything except for the stupid romantic subplot).

Ice dragon? Is that what it is? I need more specifics on how these undead things function. Like does he breathe blue fire, ice beams, concussive blasts? The effects weren’t clear for me.

I feel like they missed a huge opportunity. When that nosey Lannister guard asked about the crate and the Hound told him to fuck off. That should have been the comeback for Ed Sheeran. Just that. He was supposed to be in King’s Landing anyway.

I would say recontextualising but you can go with revisionism if you want.
Did people ever think he didn’t want to people to own slaves (based on skin colour or perceived races) or that he didn’t order children where to die trying to kill other children or that he didn’t lose that war and still get a statue? I don’t

Sure, some things get a different glow because of advancing insight. But to not show the movie is the wrong signal. Why can’t you just show it and then discuss it. Grow because of it.

Those statues you guys put up for the losers in that civil war is a different thing. They should never have been put up like that. But

Clearly he was in the south of Belgium.

Looking back at the expectations I had before it came out I must say that I am not too displeased. It was fun to get them all together and the fights were exciting (tough not shot great). I just didn’t feel like these characters would work together. Them finding eachother never made enough sense to me. Sure, Danny

Ok. Well that sucks.

What's the problem with Kinja? I actually want to know.

Why not both?

Screeching Banshee? Is that supposed to refer to the funniest host in late night TV?

Ok. That's a tough one. Maybe that would be worth it. Even though the orange shitbag is not even my president. I have a different Donald.

I'd take another 10 years of Trump if all evidence of Chris Martin's "music" were erased from the universe. Maybe even 11 years.

I'll give Chris Martin "The Scientist". It is a good song, I can't lie about that. Everything else however should have landed this man in jail. "Yellow" is a torture device.

I would never defend Limp Bizkit or Smash Mouth to say their music was good. But maybe because I was younger than the authors of this article I have a different appreciation for it. I think the article is unjustly mean to these bands.

Souls are for liberal cucks!

I wish that were true but I don't see it happening soon. Trump didn't give the European racists the boost they were all expecting but there are still plenty of popular assholes here.

You've adressed all my concerns and it looks like I have nothing to complain about.

And when they are orange it is from eating too many carrots.

As a European I like Trump. He is like cancer, but the very best kind of cancer. The greatest cancer. YUUUUGE cancer.
The kind of cancer that other people get.