
Depends on what they meant by it. You can depict something you disagree with.

"Obama never got this much hate til the last 2 years of his term."

Reminds me of how John Oliver labels this whole Russia scandal. Stupid Watergate.

Aren't they going to cut funding for that as well?

Which principles would those be?

He did write and produce his plays for the king. Classic example of big government trying to indoctrinate us. Never mind that a monarchy is not exactly a left wing ideology.

The Charlie Chaplin movie?

Please elaborate because I cannot see that.

Yeah, it's fun when they visit. Usually there are like 1 or 2 who can actually make a coherent point and can manage to have a discussion without calling people libtards. The kind that actually know what nuance is and don't think it is all bad all the time.

Childish, insulting rant? That applies to loads of articles on this site. Even more so to the comments section.

Kathy Griffin tried the "You Die" thing and got heat from all sides (not from everyone but from all sides). Obama wasn't lying at the time, something that is almost never true of the current POTUS.

The Liberal Loonies do The Onion (ask your friend Sean Hannity about them). The A.V. Club are the Liberal Nerds.

Or more, I find it very unlikely that you could further diminish your mental capacities. Have fun!

I'm all for post-natal abortion. Sometimes you've got to know when to just start over.

Lady Macbeth was the scheming ambitious one. And later also the one who went crazy because of all the guilt.

Give us real reviews or nothing. This is just stupid.

Some Wakandan spirit thing i.e. the Black Panther.

Make White Panthers Great Again

This falls within my area of interest as a Belgian. Please keep us updated on any future developments.

So The AV Club posted a story about copy editing Trump's lawyer and they criticized him for using capital letters for almost every title and then in this article character actress gets the same treatment.