
Plenty of places here where there are no black people to be found though.

Black Pete (Zwarte Piet for the locals) is not a Christmas tradition. He is the servant/slave/helper/friend/bumbling fool (depending on what age you live in, equal/friend is the contemporary view) of Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is a bastardization of Saint Nicolas. I understand why an American would therefore think it is

Lactokinesis was the best power that show ever came up with. But it obviously wouldn't be as powerful in the American version. You've got way more lactose intolerant people.

Sessions and Miller are off the hook? Tillerson sometimes gets mentioned as one of the people in the White House telling Drumpf not to do these stupid things. He is definitely not worse than Jeffie Sessions.

Well I know the names of my ministers, Flemish, federal and most of the Walloons. I think it is somewhat important to know who does these things in your own country.

Yes, thanks to Trump the entire world is now informed about every stupid thing he does. And it's just so fucking much.

Make America Bait Again?

spoiler for decade old tv show:
They were going to take down Urquhart and then his wife said she was going to take care of it and then she had her husband killed to protect his legacy and hers. Because dead people don't get thrown out of office.

There is a functioning federal government. There always was. And just like in any other western country the government functions poorly. The regional governments wield a lot of power (too much if you ask for my personal opinion on the matter) but nothing out of the ordinary for any other country that has

No, Belgians do not hate each other. Our politicians do try to put everything in a polarized narrative as to create that illusion.

Why don't they try changing their name to Burger President and play this joke in their own country. There must be someone there who is in need of a good dethroning.

Gotta say, some of these comments are a little bit mean.

How would he get there? Assuming such a place is for "good" people.

Which one was first?


Has the reviewer not seen/read The Man in the High Castle?. I thought the alternate reality part was funny. A bit too long though. The what-could/should-have-been feeling of it left a very bittersweet aftertaste.

Just bring back Better Off Ted instead.

He knows all the best words. He even said so himself and he can't be a liar or he wouldn't have won the election. Alternative Logic!

Chemtrails talk to you?

HAH! I don't have a job. Suck on that you milky mass murderer. Yeah I said it, we all know it, White people love to shoot random people, FACT! You are all the same, you filthy, pale perverts.