
There is no way they could tie his origin in with that IGH company, right? If they did manage to do that, it would be the most likely Big Bad for the Defenders. They made Jessica Jones, probably Luke Cage and they can be easily blamed for the chemicals that took Daredevil's vision. Maybe they make magical dragon

It's easy to find reasons why the other's can't help. This timeline is closer to the one where Savage actually rules. He has been creating chaos and controlling events for years, other cities and heroes are probably having a hard time too. Isn't it always like that with time travel? Future timelines rarely show the

Wo who will be the underrated actress that steals every scene she's in even though she's only a minor part of the story?

I thought the second part was going to be a musical episode from the beginning episode and I kept thinking that it was too soon for them. But overall an enjoyable episode.


Just to play devil's advocate here but sometimes the conversation can benefit from someone reminding us to think of things in varying perspectives.

Never assume people have integrity. I always forget that. Thanks for reminding me.

But who would want to with this over his head? And why does he want to work with a person that accuses him of that? That's just twisted.

Can I show my support for her because no (wo)man/person should work with someone who assaulted them and yet still be somehow pleased I'm less likely to hear her music now?

Indeed it is. I could say I'll try to be less judging but that would be a lie.

I know the powercoins aren't a popular plot thread but in a universe where they exist and seem to be so powerful it seems unlikely that neither HW or Blackclaw is looking for them. Just throwing a line that people are still looking for them seems to make sense to me.

Is Koshmar some kind of russian word that has a really cool meaning?
At first I believed it was a reference to the french word "cauchemar" meaning nightmare. But I don't want to believe that these writers would do something so dumb. Why would a russian gulag have a French name, right?

Just wondering, does anyone else keep hearing that Hawkgirl was a priestess in the temple of whores?

Has this show been cancelled yet? It's not very good and it doesn't seem like much improvement is on the way. Too bad because the potential wasn't lacking.

When I heard this on the radio (Stubru really is the only radio station for people under 40 in the north of the country) I thought it was pretty cool. Never thought that it would become a tribute worth reporting on. I assume pretty much every radio station in the western world is doing something.

So is 69 like the new 27 for old famous people? I know two is not yet a trend but it's still the first month of the year.

You're just giving them what they want. Don't let them win!

maybe that's the joke. If I were responsible for it I would get a lot of enjoyment from all the hate towards Pete in these comments.

Tt was a bittersweet farewell. It didn't end on a great note but as mentioned in the review it was perfectly above average (paraphrased). It made me miss the good old days. I kind of want to watch the first or second season again (don't really remember the best seasons) just to say goodbye.

I did not exactly see where the bullet went in, but was it low enough to be a uterus shot? "Damaging" Felicity in such a way that she won't be able to have children anymore (or lose any that were already conceived) might hurt extra hard while he is keeping his son a secret.