
Really? I mean in-universe he was a good replacement Arrow. He has the skills obviously. I just thought it was a poorly hidden stuntman in the scene where he shows up near the gas chamber. Also Darhk has seen the Oliver Arrow, he shouldn't be so stupid as not to know that this Arrow was a different man.

anyone else thinking there might be factions in the ads? It doesn't seem like PCP and Leslie are on the same side. Maybe that's the difference between normal, unobtrusive ads and annoying pop-ups and clickbait. Scams could form another faction (like how Leslie got that social security number).

Don't forget to thank Taboola. Without it we wouldn't have to scroll over clickbait and listicles. (And we might have to start paying for awesome articles)

If the Ads have a supreme evil commander I hope they name it Taboola. Perfect name for shitty, annoying, evil ads.

I felt cheated out of a real The League episode but I didn't really think this was bad. The incest molestation made sense, they've had that joke for about as long as Rafi. Nothing about the animation storyline really annoyed me, right up until there was a chupacabra in the coffin.

You wouldn't see it if they named it I Want to Break Free ?

Rarely has a cancellation hurt more. This show was delightfully unique and pleasant. Come on Ned, touch your pie-hole.

This movie is going to suck so hard and yet be so epic. I must see it. I need that specific mixture of disappointment and excitement right now.

I was genuinely surprised about Rosalind not being a bad guy and just being a dupe. I did not see that coming after last week's episode. It's not that big of a deal but a genuine surprise that seems plausible and good for the story is rare in this show. Hooray for small steps.

Can't be sleezy now, "ballooning farts" was too funny. It would be disrespectful to a beautiful fart joke.

I felt like this was very reminiscent of Buffy season premieres. Contrary to the reviewer I did not think of Mack as a Jayne Cobb when he mentioned the shotgun axe. Instead I was reminded of Charles Gunn (from Angel). A hub cap axe with integrated shotgun is something that would not hurt this show.

The pond between where I live and the U.S. is probably too big because these discussions often seem ridiculous to me. For some reason intent does not seem to matter in these cases. Shouldn't there also have been a chart that gives contexts where it is ok to say the word? Like when quoting rappers or when referencing

I know it is meant as a joke but I feel uncomfortable that they say celebrities will "rue the day they ever decided to pursue life as a public figure.”

It took me years to figure out the pun in Californication. I had a real 'Aha' moment during a random conversation about the show and I nearly kicked myself. It still hurts that it took me so long.

Great show, great episode and a wonderfully well-written review of Review.

There was a funny lacrosse coach (where is he nowadays?).

I wouldn't say it is bad. I usually find it very entertaining. That is one way of evaluating a show and it does ok in that.

The subtitle led me to believe there was going to be some kind of revival of "Pushing Daisies". Don't play with my emotions like that.

I do not think it is you being dense.
Could be the Dread Doctors. They are the go-to characters for unmotivated and pointless things. (Tell me again why that Chimera from the premiere was put in a wall. spoiler: because it would look cool on screen)

If that is true, let's all start assuming that every new character on this show is be a vampire. Maybe that way we can steer Jeff away from that pitfall. Not that vamps can't be fun, but this show doesn't need them.