
Sad part is that I feel like most people probably don't care. Just read the AV club reviews. Some of the complaints were that these characters were too shallow and we couldn't care less about them dying. Now they are back and they'll just die again.
If they get fleshed out as characters now, it is too late and they

Yes, after that fight in the rain I was really thinking they were conning Theo. We were proven wrong and it is sad. It just makes the characters look very very stupid.

"This was not a finale, not even a half-finale" Those were the words going through my head 20 minutes into watching this. The near absolute lack of Dread Doctors annoyed me, it was a sign we weren't getting answers. Never thought I'd miss those a-holes. Here is a collection of random thoughts I'd like to share.

There is a huge mistake in the stray observations. There is no way that #FightLikeABanshee is worse than #LyingMotherRaeken.

That is a good point.

No, that one I'd prefer if they left it alone. It was great but I think it unlikely that anything they do with that movie would not suck. It worked for WHAS because it was absurd (and absurd works well in that universe).

42 comments? Not a good sign…

Yeah, that Zach kid was way too suspicious. The wing joints on his back were nice though. I am hoping that all those little add-ons they gave to all the failed chimera will somehow come back in the eventual success (or team of successful experiments).

Just wondering, has it ever been confirmed that pokémon crossbreed in the wild? I think something really shady is going on with those Daycares.

This is how it starts. First they come for our Vimeo videos. Then they'll make the sequel Megapixels and then they'll come for our phones and cameras.


You could have written the same thing for "Teen Wolf" yesterday as you did for "Scream" today.

At least give them the chance to step down themselves. Let's not exaggerate.

Orange Is New The Black?

I thought they said they were going for 5 seasons? Doesn't really matter, I have suggested it to friends and I am looking forward to the next season.

My initial comment clearly wasn't elaborate enough and you are right to point out that what I wrote was a bit shortsighted (even though you didn't actually say that). The point of this show, as I understand it, was indeed to explore other subjects. I think they succeeded in that and because that part felt right to me,

[Spoilers in this post, though no concrete ones, read at own risk]

Is it me or was this episode building towards flipping the ticket and making Selina veep again? It seems like that would totally fit the story and thus show can make a twist like that work.

Again Pokemon is overlooked, how is this possible? Once you reach the age of 10 you get an obedient slavish animal with superpowers and you can use it to collect even more of these creatures and they kind of become your friends even though you basically own them.
Nobody ever really seems to care about money. You know

I didn't think they handled this all that well. By far better than most shows would but here they set themselves up with very complicating circumstances and the end result is not what I think it should be.