Is there anyone who does not think of this timetravel thingy is just an elaborate plan to bring back that Fenestella that was blown up?
Is there anyone who does not think of this timetravel thingy is just an elaborate plan to bring back that Fenestella that was blown up?
True, I'll give you that one. Though at this point I feel she qualifies as a member.
Actually I was surprised last year that they weren't going to use that second loft Schmidt was living in to house the girls and and have the boys stay in the bigger one. But it appears cramming all of them except for CeCe in the one…
Did they not try for this entire season to stop with all the incestuous relationships and it feels like they just needed this single episode to undo most of that work. Nick and Jess are once again a likely possibility and the CeCe and Schmidt situation (though never really gone) is also moving forward.
Who do I call at CC to sell my idea?
I very much agree with you. The panel segment is too short and that doesn't allow for real discussions so there really is no point in using a panel this way. The keep it 100 segment also feels a bit fake ans gimmicky.
The consistently best part of the show to me is still when it is just Larry talking. He's just that…
When I read that Caitlin PenzeyMoog was hoping for Jessica Williams the second thing I thought was how great and awesome it would be. The first thing I thought was that it won't be her.
No pokemon? Why would you not want a pokemon? They are way better than a Harry Potter owl.
Not what I said at all. If any part of what I said is racist or sexist in any way then please let me know because that was really not the point.
It can't be a coincidence that the job Zelda just took starts in 4 months and that that is also when their dating ends?
This episode was completely crazy. How amazing was that? This show is absolutely ridiculous, it's lovely.
I love BtVS and think it is great that the show gets academic recognition. I do feel like it is injust that the show seems like it gets more recognition than The Wire, Breaking Bad and The Sopranos.
This shit however is just pushing it. Shonda Rhimes doesn't come close to Joss Whedon.
I was only a bit disappointed that there was no kiss. It just feels like a cop-out. To me it feels like they were too scared of any backlash if they showed an actual kiss.
I did not like this episode as much as the reviewer did obviously. The giant mecha is just so over the top.
Give The Fosters a chance. Without wanting to say anything bad about Switched At Birth you will find that The Fosters is vastly superior. The brother/boyfriend storyline is really really annoying and should go but it that's the only thing really. (I really hope they are going to kill Brandon soon)
I don't really agree about adding Skye (from Shield) to that list but you have a good point. I do find it very weird that you left out Chloë from Smallville. The writers would be lying to themselves if they said Felicity wasn't based on her.
Also he never really had a pack as an alpha. He had Scott but he never really engaged with him in that capacity. Didn't it take only a single episode for Scott to resist the call of his alpha?
I get how that is frustrating but it's an evil inherent to the genre. Just look at Buffy, or even worse Angel.
What about a song I like more because of the cringe worthy lyrics, and they definitely are cringe worthy.
Wheatus' "Lemonade".
An awful ending to an awful last season.
I was kind of surprised Sookie actually did something and killed him instead of asking him to wait for sunrise in his grave (sounds more peaceful too). Not actually being useful and doing something is much more like Sookie.
Also why was there no mention at all about all that…
Don't ask that, save yourself and walk away with all the good memories.