
45 is old?

Is this standard behavior for a new administration?

If you have energy to be bothered by that, your life must be remarkably easy.

So, you just had an HR rep tell you that you’re being a bitch to your coworkers, and.. you blame your coworkers?

Well, it doesn’t count any less, nor should it, you sexist, elitist shit stain.

So, you’re saying that when gender is removed from the equation, those participating in the study found Clinton’s answers less appealing than Trump’s, and this is further evidence of sexism.




This is the only place I can stomach reading politics now

By possibly making cuts to funding for the Coast Guard, FEMA, the TSA and other federal agencies who focus on national security.

a politically meaningful day for many women around the world

It’s weird. They do the Tomahawk Chop in Kansas City, too, but nobody ever gives them shit about it.

It’s weird. They do the Tomahawk Chop in Kansas City, too, but nobody ever gives them shit about it.

women and allies with greater privilege

But for some reason I’ve heard no conversation in my communities about tomorrow

A “Master’s in Science” makes somebody more qualified to walk on a trail than a Bachelor’s in Graphic Design?

We do trail walks in the forest

I only have health insurance 2 months a year.