
Chaffetz talks about low-income Americans like they are bratty 10-year-old suburban teens addicted to playing Candy Crush

You’re bigoted garbage.

Accusing a political enemy of something without evidence is reason to demand resignation?

That’s what he said, dipshit. He would be worried if there was reason to have a warrant issued.

Or the Federal government did what it did to countless others on Obama’s watch, which is to conduct surveillance with neither warrant nor reason.

This is so terrible!

Most Catholic schools take education very seriously. They’re almost always the best option in town.

The Church has pretty much ALWAYS accepted that.

That would be odd, given that the Catholic Church doesn’t subscribe to the idea that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

What would a women’s league have to do to draw fans and be financially solvent?

before you realize you need to deal with your shit

Yeah, and Gibson’s been getting so much work.

he’s absolutely guilty of discrimination, though perhaps not in the legal sense of the word. He’s freely used the word “nigger,” called his girlfriend a cunt, told her she should be raped, and physically assaulted her.


Except, if you could calm the fuck down and stow your OUTRAGE! for 30 seconds and actually read what she said, there’s nothing remotely offesnive about it.

Except Shatty’s not an unmitigated piece of dogshit.

On the contrary; don’t tell people that just because you refuse to view his work objectively it means they’re not allowed to.

You’re an idiot

It seemed more like he saw the card, was confused, and held it for FD to see because he wasn’t sure what was going on.

Jezebel doesn’t tend to hire good people.