
Why are Feminists so juvenile?

You’re a piece of shit.


Most gun homicides are committed by African American men between the ages of 15 and 30 against other African American men in the same age group.

More serious estimates are around 100,000

You’ve had a very easy life.

And Kaepernick has a de facto lifetime suspension for kneeling.

She’s currently taking a six month break from the network to write about gender disparity.

Wokeness doesn’t win games.

That’s a stupid reason to fire somebody, but it’s their organization. C’est la vie.


I’m glad they’re happy, but they’re morons.

It’s better than listening to her idiotic policy proposals.

Your parents should have slapped you more.

The syphilis really seams to be affecting your brain.

Who’s really the absolute worst one? Because that’s who he’ll pick. I’d bet every dime I have.

Oh note to Jake Tapper and other people stop talking to a guy who’s not a member of the party.

The rest of us are trying to save this country

Why are Leftists so completely devoid of reason and understanding?

If a journalist approaches transition, adolescent or otherwise, as a two-sided issue—as Singal generally does—that journalist affirms a reader’s inclination to side against trans people, recasting a reader’s bias against affirmative treatment as a rational position to hold