
A lot of stupid things have been said on Jezebel, but you just made the top 5. Congrats.

Well, when a psychopath screams the word “pussy” over and over at you during an event at your kids’ elementary school simply because said psycho doesn’t like your choice for President, I’d say you have a legitimate complaint.

Since “hate crimes” against Jews outnumber those agains Muslims by several hundred percent, you’re a bit late to the party.

“What’s “right” is something that doesn’t cause other people harm.”

They just won dozens of fair elections. You’re an idiot.

Yes. The group that now controls both chambers of Congress, 2/3 of state governments, the White House, and soon the Supreme Court is in its “last throes.”

By definition, almost half the electorate and 20% of the nation can’t all be “extremists.”

You have problems.

Yeah, those fuckers. Wanting to pay for the printing and delivery costs.

But even if 100 percent of baseball players were fine with wearing tutus as a hilarious commentary on how not feminine they are, it would still be sexist as an institutional practice. The camaraderie may be real but participating requires rookies to buy into and perpetuate the premise that it’s bad to be a woman.

I’ve got $30 that says this will ultimately change nothing

What does this story have to do with Christianity?

Your anti-Christian rage aside, what does this particular story about a governor exceeding the limits of his state-constitution given authority have to do with religion?

Despite your overheated rhetoric, you make some good points.

So this is where we are. A court of law has ruled that discrimination against LGBT people by the government of Louisiana is perfectly Constitutional despite ruling after ruling to the opposite, including from the Supreme Court.

But State District Judge Todd Hernandez essentially ruled that Edwards was trying to create a new law with his order and was therefore overstepping his bounds as governor.

If you believe that abortion kills a human being, the woman’s feelings are pretty much irrelevant.

Not that politicians use facts or science when passing abortion laws anyway

As I said. You should stop being a 12 year old.

It’s not a cabinet secretary’s job to “understand the plight of a poor person.”