
the 17 people he’s appointed so far make more money than fully one-third of American households combined

You’ve drastically missed the genius of that show, then.

You really need to grow out of your obsession with race.

And vice versa. A lot of parents/youth coaches choose that for their mite/squirt player because having the dominant hand on top can make stick handling an easier skill to pick up at a young age.

and while she shouldnt have to ask for it,

So, you’re impressed he paid attention in 11th grade history class?

Her costume was “sexy pilgrim,” which isn’t in the least racist.

To be fair, Alec Baldwin’s a legendary shitbag. I assume that anybody working with him has to expect a clause in the contract allowing Baldwin to do something terrible.

We (non-Trump supporters) are on the side of facts, logic, valuing people over ideology or team membership, etc.

I was (obviously) mocking her over-dramatic sense of oppression, not actually proposing that she commit suicide.

Adoption remains legal in Ohio.

Kasich’s church, the Anglican Church in North America, opposes both abortion and capital punishment, as does the Catholic Church in which he was raised.

The 20 week ban would not be ruled unconstitutional. The 6 week ban would, which is why Kasich signed this but not the other.

could a doctor get around the “health of the mother” thing by claiming it adversely affects her mental health?

SB 127 has no exception for rape, incest, fetal anomalies, or the mental health of the woman

When used in response to somebody who might actually self-harm.

I feel so sorry for you.

Very little of the Kroenke/Demoff hate is actually about the team leaving.

He should both spend less time on the internet and stop being a 12 year old.

2 points for both making an uninformed headline-driven statement about the city of St. Louis and for the pat on the back you gave yourself for doing it.