
Both LA and St. Louis fans deserve better than the Rams.

It’s heartbreaking that any adult could possibly disagree with that, isn’t it?

I hope that’s just terrible satire and not terrible sincerity.

While trying to pull my eardrums out I distinctly heard Snowden posit during the Q&A that “the answer to bad speech is more speech,” the meaning of which is deliriously opaque.

I had to look, because I was a little surprised that there were laws against carrying knives, garrots, or handcuffs in a bag in a public place.

I’m not sure why you’re so fixated on your sex, but this has nothing to do with you being a woman and everything to do with you being an idiot.

Suddenly Jezebel cares about atrocities?

Suicide is probably your only option.

i’m super confused

Apparently, it’s a word you don’t know how to spell.

I am already nice and polite in real life when people call me a bitch at work


Your problem isn’t your lady parts. Your problem is that you’re an imbecile.

Like we dodged a bullet, having not elected the only President who would have been worse than Trump.

It is not a catch-all for men opening their mouths, and shouldn’t be.

You have brain damage.

Almost certainly not. And I guarantee she doesn’t know the term wasn’t coined in reference to web graphics.

Or, she could just unfollow and go on with her life the way an adult would.

You poor dear. It’s so sad that, as a woman, your version of Twitter doesn’t allow you to unfollow somebody.

Apologies for the commenters who are taking the opportunity to abuse you for an innocent error gross incompetence.