
I love that your LinkedIn profile says you’re “also available for editing and proofreading assignments.”

You’re, theoretically, a professional. “Getting it right” is the baseline.

Gross incompetence is the Jezebel business model.

You’re not well.

This is, of course, nothing new, and is why St. Louis fans largely preferred the idea of losing another football team to having to keep the Rams.

It’s not like there are any important documents forbidding EXACTLY that in the US

Anyone who has followed the work of both Duca and Teen Vogue

So, she doesn’t know what Presidents do?

“But don’t act too smart.”

Also, who the fuck cares.

The government shouldn’t be trusted with the authority to kill its citizens.

“I’m the kind of person who takes advice from Jezebel comments.”

He’s stocking his cabinet with bankers

Well, aren’t you delightful.

She has 2, but Sheen is arguably a bigger name.

No, nor should it be.

And it’s the producer’s right to offer her what they think she’s worth.

Or that he didn’t accidentally father 7 illegitimate children.

Especially in Kansas City.

It’s only shitty if the kid promised one wage but paid another.