
Or in this case, NOT being raped.

Yeah, that’s it, you fucking idiot.

You’re a remarkably terrible human being.


Yep. “I don’t agree with what you do, but it’s none of my business” is pretty damn reasonable.


You’re not very smart.

Playing pretty fast and loose with the word “evil,” aren’t ya.


So... don’t be Catholic, if you don’t agree with the Church?


You’re a child.

It’s your obsession with feeling like a victim that’s holding you and your fellow travelers back in politics, and in the world at large.

Well, if you saw the Brad Pitt/George Clooney version, you know that Clooney’s character came up with the heist as a way to get back at the guy for whome Julia Roberts dumped him, so..

You should maybe consider getting a job, or a hobby, or finding a relationship or something.

WWE has made untold profits from using labor loopholes to classify its employees as “independent contractors,” denying them overtime despite grueling travel schedules and health care despite the physical toll taken by the job.

I do not care how old. I do not care what color skin.

Nobody “genuinely likes” Hillary Clinton.

You should seek help.

the entire rape was sprung on her