
In this situation, “I felt a little raped, both by Marlon and by Bertolucci” really ought to be the only statement that matters.

Let’s make sure his rights are protected and any loophole that exists, he is allowed to use

You’re not very bright, are you.

Again, really upset about Amazon’s decision with this.

She could have been president

Since the kid’s a JV player and not varsity, your comment is both off target as satire and fucking stupid as general commentary.

While I’m sure your bigotry makes you feel really dandy, the kid’s father doesn’t teach at the school.

Ummm, fuckstick?

None of which has anything to do with this, though.

You’re garbage, you realize that, right?

Did you sustain significant head trauma, or do you have Down’s?

Looking forward to seeing it.

Right? It’s like there are actually people who disagree with the Left.

It’s a shame that what you learned from that wasn’t “don’t fuck random guys.”

Excellent point.

You’re a remarkably stupid person.


I do. And unlike you, I understand that Democrats’ hold on government has been steadily declining at the state level for years, and Trump’s Electoral College victory is a result of that.

You don’t understand how elections work, do you.

Congratulations on your ability to paste the same stupid apologia over and over again.